Hi All -

   This is beginning to look a  bit serious [1].  The notion of the matter escalating steadily into 2027 as a departure from the customary spat, is not pleasant either, as that timeframe has, for quite some time, has been the code's nexus of global conflict.  I wonder if Armstrong has noticed that his ECM is now passing through a broad condition of global conflict that will inevitably mean general nuclear war, which will render subsequent economic considerations academic.  Russia is not bluffing and there does not appear to be any rational equilibrium in the West, in fact only more fervent commitments to conflict.  Noting the percentage of ballistic missiles intercepted today, a half dozen nuclear warheads mixed in would yield a reasonably high probability of at least three hitting their targets in Israel, never mind if hypersonic units were used instead.  The whole situation is frankly incredible as is apparently our future.


  Granted, Newsweek is mainstream, but it does quote Medvedev as saying that even if Trump is elected, he assumes that Trump will not act to lift sanctions on Russia, remaining entrenched as an "insider" [1].  If this indeed represents the view of the Kremlin, then we are facing a situation in which there is no outcome of our election that will materially defuse the Ukraine conflict, and cause for the Kremlin to await the outcome becomes moot.  This does stand in conflict with the generally accepted "peace" posture of Trump, and also RFK, but resolution of the conflict is apparently in check to produce war.  It is already a concern that Trump, if elected, may become incapacitated by left subversion, or worse, causing uncertainty at that level, but if expectations are organically negative, then we have virtually no obstacles to a major conflict, sparing pro-activeness on Trump's part.  Certainly if also Putin exits the picture, the situation in the Kremlin becomes far more ominous. 

   For such reasons it is sensible for Trump to assemble an executive committee for advance work assuming he will be elected, and that their efforts could materially alter current postures, and ultimately world events, under a particularly delicate matter of time and clarity of purpose.  If, however, Trump loses in such a way that there is a division of the country on the basis of a patently corrupted capitol, then there is an identical need for the development of a command epicenter which can do highly urgent business in an alternate way, albeit a novel arrangement for continuity of government, from a residual of states that will need to assert their authority as an un-corrupted and capable body.  The alternative to these is a nolo contendre Harris installation similar to the prior election, or even for instance a legitimate vote based upon a depleted public mentality, which will also produce a confirmation of the current neoconservative basis for a third world war.


Hello All -

   As this insanity approaches a kinetic phase beyond the endless ibid of brinkmanship and media peddling, we note this development [1], along with shifts in Russian foreign policy.  In the past, Russia has come to high alert due to their belief that the West intended to launch a preemptive nuclear strike, dating from the days of LeMay and his campaign for "killing a country" in order to maintain nuclear a nuclear monopoly.  Able Archer in 1983 brought matters to the edge, and only sometime after did the CIA and Reagan come to understand the Russian position on such matters and how close we came to launch then.  If there is a grand wisdom and strategy possessed by NATO and current Western policy, there is certainly no objective evidence of it - only multiple indications of delusional behaviour that most closely resembles the demise of the Third Reich.  

  We are left to surmise that, at the individual and small group level, close attention to further developments in the coming days and weeks will confirm a pragmatic avenue to urgent final preparation for nuclear war and, at the absolute least, severe socioeconomic turbulence that no economy or nation can sustain without approach to total breakdown.  There is also the consideration that Russia sees absolute confirmation of Western intentions that can only lead to a move to vanquish them, and therefore an inevitable nuclear involvement, leading to the ultimate wisdom in proceeding with a first strike by themselves to preempt a Western first strike.  Whether such a strike will be nuclear, or else an asymmetric commando cell architecture designed to completely collapse U.S. and European infrastructure, is not clear at this point.  Another avenue is a limited tactical nuclear menu, augmented with infrastructure attack.  The nature of such an operation precludes any graduated deterioration of diplomatic and economic ties, but rather a surprise attack in each dimension of the strategy.  Armstrong's article clearly indicates that a Trump election victory is expected to be likely, and that methods to neutralize his posture of reestablishing peace and negotiation are in play.  It may become necessary for a major contingent of states to reorganize under a premise of actually maintaining the true Union, an ironic complement to the establishment of the Confederacy, and that efforts will be needed to be made to establish a new alliance with Russia, along with continuity of business and supply with China.  This would be under the premise of effecting an arrest of an apparent theft of the national interest under accumulated acts of gross corruption that have rendered the Capitol as a vehicle of treason.  What massive disruption of our society would have to commence to bring such a situation into credibility is a bit of an obtuse thought at the moment, but all we must do is look at history to see even far worse.    

   For such considerations, I once again urge all to consider that at very least, Trump immediately establish an executive committee level of planning, as waiting until the inauguration, or perhaps even the election, may be a fatal delay to any reasonable hope of peace and reestablishment of economic homeostasis, let alone progress.  What is now an extreme level of brinkmanship on the part of NATO, Europe and the U.S., along with evident Russian shifts in policy, may in fact instead be a prelude to a war, whose course will not be as predictable as many think.  A colossal weather change must immediately occur in American politics, and in the direction of European international behavior, or else........
