
Hello All - com signal is up for the moment, so here is a notable article this morning, before the tourists clobber the tower again......

    Armstrong [1] makes some direct points that I have been discussing lately - that the invisible hand, whose principal functionaries are the neocons, truly believes, as Hitler did, that Russia can and should be expeditiously defeated by an eastern military front.  And, like Hitler, the delusion extends deeply into their social philosophy that has saturated government, along with its corporate analogue, in a new round of fascism. 

The genesis of whatever real threat Russia and China have become in the 21st century are chiefly reactions to, and originate within our marbled halls of neuvo-Roma.  At least the Romans founded modern Christianity and left it to survive their empire, while we are, on the other hand, destroying it in favour of a planet ruled by existential materialism. 

By normal standards the election should swing conservative, across the balance point of socioeconomic homeostasis.  But in the reality of this era we find total ambiguity for a future, in which both public opinion and election outcomes are synthetic manufactured illusions, much like the Soviet Union, before it fell.  

   As for a solution, the historical precedents are all too clear, whether for a nation of proactive, self-reliant peoples, or resolute slaves.  But how long can we expect a normalcy bias, pretend elections, and a sunny day on the way to the supermarket to remain our lot? 
Too much old money has placed its bet on traditional management of nations, as their empire of water law must either submit to subsidence under the economic cycles, or have its power reset by global war.  But then again, for the nature of kingdoms to change, men must change...... 



I am frankly stunned at the amateur show going on with the technical subjects at hand, and feel concern for a credibility problem relative to any intention of the discussion, and for that matter, the broadcast medium. 

    Allowing for consideration of democracy in discourse, for instance indulging arguments that earth is flat, with all of the attendant consequences, one might then entertain the argument that covid does not exist, and even that viruses do not exist.  But without adherence to the principle that extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, there will remain no reasonable basis by which a reasonable, informed man can rule in favour of an obtuse premise held up without an extraordinary and comprehensive theoretical development in front of the library as the reservoir of knowledge. 

It is, for instance, one thing to suggest that covid is not a virus, but keep in mind that there is plenty of independent [from the chain of authority] eperience with the epidemiology proving that it not only causes pathology, but replicates with a significant gain factor.  No toxin or radiation source can do this, as they obey the law of dilution.  One exception is biologic concentration, but this mechanism is quite identifiable, such as nuclear fallout in sea life.  Also, the EVMS ran the genome on covid in early 2020, showing at a near perfect splice between the ratg-13 and Pangolin viruses, with four HIV inclusions in the spike protein and a SARS inclusion.  This is consistent with both the strong immune compromise property of covid and the strong respiratory effect.  This renders covid symptomology in effect, subclinical AIDS, which is also certainly a virus.  Let's look at Wikipedia's very simple definition -

    "A virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates only inside the living cells of an organism."

The visibly simple definition does not even necessarily assume pathology, but only that it is an infectious agent that replicates using living cells.  This is clearly distinguished from a toxin, and involves contagion, which covid possesses.  Those who wish  to dispute this might do well to consult the EVMS, Dr. Chris Martensen, and Dr. Pierre Kory over at FLCCC.  What is also interesting in those cases is that the establishment has gone to considerable lengths to suppress their extensive findings, and it is also therefore quite reasonable to consider that the most interesting conspiratorial element here is how the altmedia brain trust, if it can be called that, has been delivered into an extraordinary diversion.  Yeadon, for all his initial observations in the 2020 timeframe, had better come up with a real whopper if he is actually going to post a thesis that virus do not exist.  This level of discourse is well beyond RBN.  Whatever the world should decide that viruses are, they do correspond to microscopic infectious particles that use living tissue to multiply and spread, with special concern for those which cause pathology.  Those are the salient issues.  It is also worth mentioning that radiation poisoning begins in the hundreds of rads in an acute dose, and somewhat higher for chronic - far above anything our atmosphere is producing at the moment.  There are, however, abuses of science and technology that       have been levied upon humanity, but they are misrepresentations of essentially valid science, not complete denials of the laws of gravity and thermodynamics.  The real problem here is broadcast credibility, and my own, if arguing with fools becomes vogue. 



Hi All - 


  Relating to the last discussion, note the unambiguous warnings Armstrong is posting now [1].  I have written and spoken on this matter a number of times, with the bottom line that the Old World families and their influence on national postures will not tolerate an interruption to their chess game in eastern Europe.  Kennedy was killed for less, and now we are in the final approach for cyclic rundown of the Western empires.  

   Unlike a decade ago, when the concepts of a weakening empire fostered speculation on precipitous collapse and of its currencies that had nebulous, latent etiologies and timeframes, we now have specific and very short timeframes, with more concrete bases for violent instability and global level warfare. 

   With a vast irony that does not escape me, I have been lately busy garnering contingencies of building and friendship development that runs exactly counter to the priorities pointed to by global developments.  But this is not, despite the emotional chaos, normalcy bias, but a final effort to render survival meaningful.  Vote, I will, but far more with my feet than any sentimental expectation.  The coming reality, and natural law at its foundation, does not give a damn about age, situation, or excusal of rationalisatons, demanding the same from all - to ignore the pandemic of stupidity and wishful thinking and to secure resources and long term sustenance during the next year or so as the future begins to become less ambiguous, if not chaotic. 

 It is well that RFK join Trump as a resistance bloc, but what remains uncertain is the lifespan of it, and the question of critical mass of mental and cultural solvency, whether at a national level or else regional, in which case we will see, as Armstrong has pointed out, the splitting of the U.S.  The Soviet Union split due to cultural division and financial exhaustion from defense spending, and it may well be our turn, as even a conservative renaissance in January will inherit the massive holes in the boat.  If, on the other hand, we enter the next year into global war, then we will find ourselves in a totalitarian state.  

   And, as I have discussed before, a final solution that diverges from chaos may well require a grand Hebrew or Catholic exorcism, directed toward what is evidently a mass demonic possession of those who call themselves leaders of the people, but who in fact listen only to the master of darkness.    

   As I miss terribly the ones I love, I return to sanding drywall, chopping a bit of firewood and saving a few seeds.  It all seems so foolish anymore, doing these thins alone in the wilderness, but hope and love die stubbornly.


   Although yahoo news is heavily biased to the left, this posting is worth noting [1].  The references to the Russian comments are consistent with their demeanor from more reliable sources, and the situation that has been escalating in the Ukraine conflict warrants closer consideration.  Armstrong has been posting concerns regarding the possibility of a move by the West, in particular by the American neocons, to escalate to a wartime status ahead of the election, or else possibly between November and inauguration, as a move to lock in a war posture.  The whole concept is treasonous, and should be handled as such.  It is interesting that Lavrov commented that the Americans hold the belief that an expanded conflict would be limited to Europe.  This is also consistent with the general observation that the neocon philosophy has become an delusional anachronism that is dangerously out of step with present reality.  Even Hitler made a similar mistake of hubris, although shortly after Operation Barbarossa commenced, he admitted that he had seriously underestimated the Soviet military position.  

   Once again, it is worth commenting that such a massive oversight on the part of a strangely unified contingent of Western leaders is not so much in the nature of an error of judgement, but rather the spawn of a contagious aura of dark spirit, potentiated by greed and other base human reflexes.  Even for one who would gladly find a convenient excuse to condemn the Russian viewpoint, the employment of any objectivity and historical awareness points quickly toward a desperate orgy of financial failure among the Western contingents, attempting to cover that failure with a manufactured enemy and a war.
