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Where have all the bugs Gone?

Noticing the very dramatic decrease in local insect populations, especially in US coastal areas, John attempts to find out the whys and hows of the situation....

Johns Letter to the Entomologist


That said, I have a question for your expertise.

The beginning:Labor Day weekend 2010, I drove the length of NY State East to West, at night, running 70 MPH on the interstate. I stopped for fuel about 10 P.M. The windshield had about ten dead bugs. When I looked up at the bright white lights of the gas station, there were so few flying insects, I could count them.

The Summer of 2015, I drove the interstate highway in Florida, from South to North at night. When I stopped for fuel, there were ten, or so, bugs on the windshield. When I looked up at the bright white lights, I could count the flying insects.
A friend of mine who is "well connected" to people in the military and FEMA, tells me that there are nearly no flying insects within 100 miles of the Atlantic, Pacific, or Gulf, Coasts.

If you have any follow-up on this matter,I'd appreciate hearing them. I should add that in my area (South-Central MO) I have very few bugs on either the windshield of my car, or motorcycle, during the warm months anymore either.

I believe my observations are essentially one of witnessing the end of the world as we know it! I fully understand that insects are a essential part of the Earth's eco-system and that without them everything else collapses. I've  addressed this matter on my radio show several times. I've seen absolutely no MSM attention to this matter and very scarce attention in the alternative media.

I look forward to hearing from you.



RELATED - Running out of Bugs?: http://www.anthropocenemagazine.org/2018/03/running-out-of-bugs/

Letter in Reply on the Subject of the Disappearance of Insects

Hello John,

My apologies for not having responded immediately but I wanted to give you the information I have, which took some time. If you have any follow up questions please do, but consider to give me a few days in between. Away from my work in the park we have a lot of critters which we are studying and my husband is away fir a while so it's only me who looks after them-which takes a few hours per day.

In regards to your question I am not sure if I am the right person to ask. I have been conducting studies on insect decline for a few years and I have looked into possible logical reasons, but I do not have the best connections to the science world in order to know more than what can be found in published articles, my own conclusion based on observation or what you might already know. (I would ask a friend of mine who has all necessary connections as he would probably know everything which is to know on this topic as he is one of the leading experts but when I will meet him is a big question because he is in a very difficult situation after having fled from environmental gangsters through many countries over the last years. If I have the opportunity I will ask him and send you a follow up.).

Meanwhile, I will do the best I can to answer. I will spare you with too many details, but it will not be a short email and it probably will give you enough material for several radio shows to talk about when you tackle this topic. I will give you a general overlook about the known and possible reasons for insect decline and I will also include a few links. (I will paste the ones which have good information without paying attention to which source posted that article in the first place as I tend to view a topic via different sources once they are published. As there are plenty good articles available on each major topic I will only paste one for each major topic.).

Yes, not only flying Insects, but general insect groups, arachnids, molluscs, annelids, myriapods and crusteaceans (not to mention the various essential microorganisms who live in the earth, or on plants) have and are declining in large numbers in many countries all over the world. (At the end of the e-mail I have given some examples for each critter- category for you to understand the differences and to keep it simple. Also, not every species has been studied in decline because that is a impossible task due the sheer numbers of species in the insect, spider,mollusc,myriad, annelid and custeacean world.The pollinators are species which is known to the general public to be beneficial and essential hence their decline was one of the first once noticed and questioned.)
Wildlife experts have been warning about the alarming decline in insects for decades but have been ignored or not been given enough attention. Reasons for that seem to be because the MSM and alternative media have given no attention, certain corporations who have done studies about the impacts of their products (such as Monsanto and their DDT and the following Neonicotinoid range for example) kept quiet or quieted the ones among their employees who objected because the money was too convincing, and of course, no interest from the average public person because many people don't like insects, or any of the others or have no interest or/and education about their importance to life on earth or just because the mentality of many people is: "there are so many insects in numbers and surely they will recover so why should there be a problem?"
But then also, the importance of insects have not been understood well until more and more discoveries have been made over the last decades.

Like you, we have hardly any insects on the windscreens in the UK. Up until 2008 I used to be covered in insects when riding my motorcycle for just a 5 mile trip. Now there is often nothing even on over 100 mile trips. Entomologists call it 'The Windshield phenomenon.'

When I was a young girl I have spend my time waiting for the school bus pouring coca cola over my arms and hands and walking up to the next nearby rubbish bin to draw the attention of wasps to me with the goal to observe what the wasps will do when they where fighting for the sweet droplets on my arms and hands, leaving tickling sensations on my skin these days I am lucky to find more than a 3.
(I like to add that I spend 3-4 full hours every day outdoors no matter in what weather and observe birds and insects and dig around in the soil or lift up rotting clear wood or leaves etc...Sometimes 8 hours or more during the summer months at the peak of insect activities. I also observe cobwebs in their season. One example: In 2016 I counted 200 occupied orb webs in a particular area and none had prey in them for two weeks (it is not difficult to observe the orb weavers we have because they will feed several hours on prey, sometimes a day and often leave the carcass in the web to attract other insects so by checking them twice a day the observations are accurate.)

In comparison, you could find various flying species, crickets and grass hoppers in most of them nearly every day in the years before. This year there where less webs, smaller spiders and mainly midgets and mosquitoes in the webs. Occasionally a larger prey. I don't use any chemicals in home or garden which is fenced in and counted over 500 particular caterpillars in 2014 in a corner with healer plants (some call them weed) they feed on. Away from that they declined in size each year since 2014 and in addition came out in December in 2015 and 2016 instead during spring time. I counted 5 in 2017....
2017 was also the year that the ants I used to have in plenty in the back garden have disappeared. And that I had hardly any spiders inside the home (we keep them as they are good housekeepers.)

The insect eating wild birds which I have befriended and have been observing and following for over a year have less food and did not migrated as they should have done. They have lost a lot of weight and eat nearly 3 times more of the live food I breed for them than they used too last year at the same time. More have come to me and were begging for food in different areas of that park I walk through over the last 2 month. Some of them were feather and bones which is not right. (I can't go everywhere and I can't feed them all,but I do what I can.

We have seen big changes in nature over the years. In the past there where more of every animal.We had four seasons and the plants flowered when they suppose to flower (these days they flower multiple times, even in the winter when there is a day or two were no chemtrails block the sun. I have peppermint in the garden which I had for many years. It has not grown nor flowered since 2015. It just stopped growing.The conifers and the chestnut trees are dying as do many more sensitive plants.)

Sure your listeners in particular the farmers and gardeners will have noticed that too.  We also had different species. Trading since the eighteen hundred has brought in many non native species of which some were beneficial for the ecosystems and others benign. Others replaced native species. Then there have been changes in weather and temperature which allowed other species to come and/or be able to live in the UK and other countries. (Like the UK is getting more and more species which used to live in warmer countries.

Birds have been studied closely for many years as they have been the best indicator for changes in the environment and they have started to change migration courses which they had done for thousands of years. Of which some species won't (and didn't) survive because the need to live in a warmer or colder environment and require food which is not necessarily there because a particular food source they need could not migrate or could not find particular plants they need in order to survive, so the chain of a ecosystem is destroyed. (I like to say that I am aware of the climate change hoax our governments want us to believe. But there are long term changes in temperature which have and is still causing animal migrations in many parts of the planet.If they have to do with the active heat sources of volcanoes cause under Antarctica, the massive deforestation, the presence of a large gravitational body or bodies in our solar system such as the Nibiru system or a result of geoengineering, the stop of the Gulf stream,unknown reason or a mix of all is not known. It would make sense to tend to believe that it is a bit of everything which causes the mass migrations of animals.

Having this out of the way, which certainly is adding towards insect decline, we will focus on the more obvious reasons:

There are ongoing studies in regards to insect decline and as usual in the science world many debates about the reasons without looking at 'all' possible factors.
Many scientists of nature agree that the recordings of insect decline have started far too late as they should have started as soon as there was environmental change noticed (like for example when agriculture intensified,the weather became more severe, new technology was introduced, the use of new herbicides and pesticides -these kind of things.). In addition the world of nature science requires often long term studies which can range from 5-20 years plus which does not necessarily support the survival chances of a species (I don't know if that is the same for other science categories.)

In no particular order:
●Habitat loss

There are various reasons for insect decline. Habitat loss due to agriculture, the massive deforestation (we have cut down 80% of the natural forests since we created the axe and have cleared a bit over 50% of the worlds forests for farming ground (growing vertical gardens would be a efficient solution and eating less meat as many people eat meat daily. Or bred Insects as 80% replacement for animal protein) for the wood (unnecessary as bamboo, hemp and fast growing tree species can replace everything wood is used for), entertainment places (a battle conservationists always have is to prevent the entertainment industry from taking nature reserves), and for living space (instead of keeping gardens natural and 'living' natural laws, people like to keep non native plants and 'dead' beautiful green lawns).

●Cars and anything else which moves killed billions of insects over time (insect of which each would have produced several hundred or several thousand offspring during their lifetime.).
As experts blame mostly habitat loss due agriculture and the use of insecticides and herbicides, they forget to look into other possibilities such as extreme temperature and weather changes, geoengineering and Microwaves.

●The weather can have a major impact on most insects.Too much rain will flood out insects,spiders and mollusc's.Too much wind for long periods of times will prevent flying insects from flying and looking for food so they will starve (correct me if I get it wrong but with the 4th consecutive year that earth is slowing down in rotation the winds have increased in strength, which doesn't help the insects. ) and, of course. cold spells and dry spells.
Geo-engineering has a massive impact from what I saw so far...We have usually airplanes chemtrailing the sun all day long and get cold and strong winds mixed with rain, autumn to spring.The days of clear and sunny skies can be counted with ease. These cold windy days have often breaks of several hours or a day where the sun comes out. The sun is so strong that it wakes up hibernating insects or encourages the hatching of insects with short life and breeding spans. They then come out looking for food and starve to death or freeze to death because a few hours later the temperature drops too far down in the scale. (The following below are side information from my own observation and that of people I know and who are reliable in their statements- most of them above the age of 60 and gardeners or farmers and who mention these things to me because they know me but also because they notice the unusual changes.
We had butterflies, wasps,bees, bumble bees and hoverflies in November, December and January since 2014 coming out and searching desperately for food which they did not find.Then we have trees,bushes and flowers flowering with no pollinators. Some plant species should only flower once a year but flower several times a year. In 2017 I could not find a single pollinator or lesser pollinator insect amongst a group of cherry trees and I'd spend 30 minutes searching for flying insects every day I walked through until the flower pedals fell.). In the past you could see movement of life around flowers everywhere. These days you have to search for it. Slugs,snails and earth worms come out when they shouldn't and die because it's dry- something is irritating their bodies to think that it is wet while it isn't. Local friends of mine who are ecologists for wetlands has noticed this unusual behavior too.)

In addition to the unstable weather and the accompanying temperature fluctuations (which seems to be caused by geoengineering) extreme high amounts of Aluminum have been found in air,water,soil and plant samples (and of course just like plants and us getting it into our bodies so do the insects and everyone else. Like research found high Levels of
Aluminum in Bumblebee Pupae. Bees rely heavily on cognitive function and aluminum is a known neurotoxin which is linked to Alzheimer’s disease in humans for example. The significant contamination of bumblebee pupae with aluminum indicates that cognitive dysfunction is playing a role in their population decline. Here is the full research article:

This link here contains pretty much the same as the above pdf but is an easier read and based on the above if you prefer this one: https://www.naturalnews.com/2017-01-25-study-links-aluminum-from-geoengineering--to-decline-in-bee-population.html

As a side note:
I like to add that geoengineering is still a tin foil topic in the conservation and nature science world which attracts legions of shills and trolls because the majority still believes in man made global warming or man made climate change or is too scared to speak out for whatever reasons. (Many conservation groups and organizations or Nature reserves receive government funding or being sponsored by corporations who support the idea of man made global warming or man made climate change. So in order to get funding or sponsoring, they don't question , stay quiet or ridicule the ones who say otherwise. The same is true btw in regards to Microwave damage and damage via GMOs and Neonicotinoids.).

●While in the past we had only a few technical devices and transmitters we have now covered most of the planet in microwave frequencies coming from satellites, microwave transmitters and all sorts of technical devices (if these interfere with technical devices and affect the human body and the unborn human embryo than they surely interfere with fragile insect bodies.)

And while the interest of media and the public in the effects of exposure of honey bees to mobile communication RF-EMF has drastically increased, there seem to be no thorough research into their effects in the scientific literature.
Only 8 officially published studies for a total of 12 experiments can be found on this. 6 of them have been done in the last decade. Only 2 of them (Westerdahl and Gary, 1981) did not find any significant effect on flight, orientation of behavior of bees exposed to microwaves but it is important to note that these 2 studies were not produced in the last decade and have been done before the explosion of the massive increase of wireless technology which we have had for the last 25 years.
Amongst other animals and plants, Insects like honey bees and fruit flies have been used for the investigation of RF-EMF because of their limited size, short life cycle and the possibility of easily

detecting developmental defects and they have shown. There are a few studies which state no impact of microwaves on the animal species,but as the majority of studies show negative effects this does raises the question who has funded the few studies who showed no negative effect because as there is so much money involved in selling the devices for wireless technology and in their use, that paychecks or other reasons can be more important (as it is sadly the case with many topics in the science world as I'm sure you are aware off. I like to add here that I used to breed a particular genetically engineered type of bird for 21 years. I never had problems until I got a wifi router and a smart phone and used the Internet on the smart phone in a different room running a straight frequency line through some of the bird cages. Every single hen and unborn female chick became infertile. Two of the three house plants next to the router stopped growing. There have also been studies done on both. (The solution I've found out later is orgonite which works incredibly good. My brother and I and a few friends have been experimenting since. I will attach a video link in where Georg Ritschl practically proofs that orgonite can protect from microwave radiation.) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nwxKB9IY3Js

The wifi router and my smart phone had also effected my own health of which I wasn't aware off until I switched the phone and the router off for one week. Needless to say that I stretched the time up to a month. I bought a cabled router after that and use a older smart phone as emergency as the newer models cannot be stopped from receiving wifi and satellite signals.) (We have Pokemon players in the UK and when they come the birds and others disappear but not due the noise because the birds are used to noises in the public park.
If you are familiar with Microwave expert Dr Barrie Trower you will find the 'Effects' in table 3 in the pdf below interesting and proof what the results of the research studies Dr Barrie Trower have stated, that microwaves cause indeed destruction to the living beings in the natural environment.

●There is a lot to GMOs and Neonicotinoids and I trust that you have some basic information how dangerous each one or both together are for the human body-so wildlife being more fragile are in great danger..If you look into GMO expert Jeffrey S Smith, the founder of Responsible Technology you will find enough evidence which makes it clear that both can be linked to all sorts of illnesses from autism over cancer to diseases of the nervous system , causes behavior and infertility after the 3rd generation (the epigenom excluded of course).To think that GMOs and Neonics are harmless or only effect farm animals and do no harm to anyone else as some GMO and Neonic supporting scientists want us to believe is simply insane .Here is a article were Jeffrey explains the connection between autism and GMOs in where he mentions that when farmers switched from GMO to organic feeds the aggressive behavior changed and the illnesses were reversed.
It is also worth watching the full documentary of Seeds of Death.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=a6OxbpLwEjQ

Remember if it harms Bees then it harms any other insects as well
How Neonicotinoids Can Kill Bees
The Science Behind the Role These Insecticides Play in Harming Bees


●General pollution from toxins in plastics being released into soil and water to cigarette butts is also a big problem for which we have only seen the tip of the iceberg so far. China for example has been buying periodically thousands of bumble bees to pollinate their crops from a friend in the Netherlands who breeds them for that purpose. Their pollution is so high that the bees don't survive but are needed.

In compare to you in the US we do have the MSM (and nature documentary channels the MSM owns) reporting on the decline of insects occassionally (which may well be for the reason because more and more people notice the insect decline and have started to ask question. )
Here is a summarization of a article published last year: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0185809

And a 2016 article:  https://e360.yale.edu/features/insect_numbers_declining_why_it_matters

...It all adds up...(I used to say:'If you have a river with fish and eat the fish then you must look after the fish.If the fish getting less then you must stop eating fish and eat something else until their numbers have recovered.' We forgot to do that with the insects.)

It does not take a rocket scientist Wifi, pesticides/herbicides/GMOs and geo-engineering are the biggest threats to life on earth
Personally I believe that geoengineering, Neonicotinoids and GMOs and Microwaves are the major mass killers of insects and natures biggest threats.
In regards to the no flying insects within 100 miles of the Atlantic,Pacific or Gulf Coasts- I have to research that myself as I have not spend much time over the last year looking into things other than what's neccessary. I have been using my spare time to get my spiritual house in order once I became aware of the possibilities planet x can cause in ceasing to exist in this physical body.

Without looking into it there are a few logical options: it can be a man made cause or several, like a cocktail of the ones I mentioned above because everything will eventually decline and cease to exist when it and its unborn offspring is continuously being destroyed, no matter in what numbers it exists. (Look up the Passenger Pigeon.Very good example. It's numbers were in Billions at a time when there were far less humans living on this planet.)
Something changes or interferes with the earth magnetic field which insects use for navigation (If there are also no birds around or disorientated birds than the earth magnetic field is changing or something interferes with the earth's magnetic field).

A last option would be that there is a catastrophe on the way affecting these areas because animals sense things a long time before they happen. A friend of mine used to be a expedition leader for nature science teams and they have observed that phenomenon on many occasions. Nature starts to let the slowest animals migrate first before she ends with the fastest-Like before Mt. St Helens blew there were hardly anything living there,nor died. So to have insects on the move before the larger ones would be a indication.If that is the case then there would be reports of unusual animal migrations coming from these areas. However if you know more let me know, but I will still look into it.)

Hope that helps.
Best wishes,

PS: The categories of the critters:
●Molluscs (no legs, soft bodies): snails,slugs, clams, squids and octopodes.
●Annelids (no legs,bodies are divided into rings like many little segments): most worms
●Insects (6 legs, small and often winged with a body formed of a head,thorax and abdomen ):
●Arachnids (8 legs): spiders,scorpions,mites,ticks
●Crusteaceans and Myriapods (lots of legs) : crabs, lobsters, crayfish, shrimp, krill, woodlice, and barnacles.

PPS: many insects are easy to breed and a healthy option for a diet.Here in Europe you can order insects online for human consumption.It's worth looking into that for rural survival.
It is also worth to look into natural options to get rid of unwanted plants instead of chemicals. Friend's of us have several free range and organic farms and from pollinators to leopards slugs they have established a bit of their own ecosystem and use nothing chemical-nowhere.
