Stephen O'Neal Commentaries, 07 through 28 February, 2022

Another Dimension of the Cuban Missile Crisis

   Zelensky's method is in an important way identical to Fidel Castro - create a situation in which his people and country are presented as a sacrifice, and then invite the entertaining First World power to wage full scale nuclear war against the other.  Castro wrote a letter to Khrushchev on October 27, 1962, asking Russia to destroy America, and that his island was ready to sacrifice itself for the sake of socialism.  Although it is possible that Zelensky may actually be operating on a secret guarantee of ultimate cover from the West, such an assumption is precarious at best, and most likely a self-delusion, which is not a new phenomenon among heads of state, especially lately.  The other term in the Western equation, which is also puzzling, is how the braintrust of Western analysts had not, at the start, unceremoniously scuttled the entire procedure that is now unfolding before our eyes.     One additional missing item is a detailed intel analysis of Putin and the actual current thinking in the Kremlin.  So many put the entire onus on Putin, but there is an entourage of business and cartel interests behind the walls, as well as other dualities and complexities.  One set of considerations is the grain and mineral wealth of Ukraine as a simple item of confiscation by Russia, possibly under the rationale of the legitimacy of the former Soviet empire.  An argument can be made that Russia is engaging in piracy, but this must then be distinguished from the historic norm that every government in recorded history is, in candid analysis, an institutionalised agent of piracy, and that the novel rationale of a new norm must somehow be unilaterally applied to Russia, and at a time in which such global egalitarianism is utterly prototypical at best. 

   If there is a nation to which this should first be applied, it is the one with some eight hundred military installations around the world and which consumes a quarter of the world's resources with just five percent of the population - America.  Of course, silken words and self righteousness go a long way in this brutal world of  existential commerce, but the exact same mantle can be applied to Hitler.  Therefore, the principle that Putin is acting in the interest of defacto piracy must be weighed against the prevailing honour among thieves, and also survive the argument that Ukraine is, at least in significant part, a Russian interest.  If we are going to begin the process of establishing a greater civilisation under true egalitarian principles, then what is good for the goose must be true for the gander, and a global overhaul is in order - and certainly not in the form of the Schwab Reset.  We are, of course, at an awkward moment to recommend this. 

   Given the duplicitous and invasive behaviour of NATO and the West relative to Russia, the pot is calling the kettle black, and now the Kremlin has a superbly legitimate basis to act more assertively in their defence interests, regardless of the ambience of more delicate principles.  Another issue is that the West's idiotic malfeasance relative to the covid/vaccination meme does not inspire confidence, either economically nor in an eventual perspective of international stability.  It is also an incredibly tempting systemic weakness.  From Russia's standpoint, China is a far better bet.  I would also bet heavily on the likelihood that both the Kremlin and Beijing pay as close attention to Armstrong's SOCRATES code projections as the CIA does - by 2032 China will dominate global socioeconomic affairs.  It is difficult to distinguish Soviet imperialism from NATO induced necessities in whatever Russia ultimately does.  Greed and economic imperialism are the governing equation of world affairs, and any modification of the Russian position must come from a fundamental change in Western priorities - and the abandonment of the Great Green Reset meme in favour of an intelligent glide path relative to the real environmental threat, which will likely level all empires in a timeframe within the scope of the SOCRATES projections.  Armstrong suggests that Putin has no intention of controlling Ukraine at large, but only the eastern provinces.  To this effect, I would suggest that whatever value the mineral and grain reserves that western Ukraine has, there is also a large cost of administering the region, which is expressly antagonistic to the Russians.  Zelensky apparently refuses to yield the eastern provinces to Russia, which is the principal pivot point for further war.  One must conclude that Zelensky is either insane or else has guarantees from the West, or thinks he does.  Redemption of those guarantees, if they are stupid enough to be true, will likely cost the effects of a nuclear conflict.   In 1962, the solution was the establishment of a way for Khrushchev to back down from his strategic bluff without losing face.  Forty eight hours before the U.S. was to begin its invasion, Bobby Kennedy negotiated with Dobrynin on the point of a durable guarantee of no Cuban invasion and withdrawal of the Jupiter missiles from Turkey, and the whole matter was defused at that moment.  Several opportunities for accidental nuclear war had already transpired by the skin of their teeth. President Kennedy himself said that a single mistake on his part would mean the death of a hundred and fifty million people.  Now we have a pet theory being recklessly forced into practise and inculcated as institutionalised social mantras on the part of primary Western intellectuals, that a large reduction of the population would actually be desirable.  Today the crisis is more complicated, as the competence, humanity, and recent memory of how terrible war really is, is no longer a common denominator in the conflict.   And we must remember that Russia is quite well prepared, inasmuch as this can be true, for strategic nuclear war, and the U.S. absolutely is not, sparing the secret consideration that the people are in fact regarded by their leadership and its handlers as expendable.  That much our leaders now, at least confidentially, have in common with Fidel Castro.  The bona fide prescription is a monumental change in leadership in the West, but this is also a complicated, severe and untimely requirement at this moment whose precedents are revolutions. 


The Trojan Horse

   There seems to be an absolute onslaught of material to consider right now, yielding a barrage of editorials. But this is simply an indication of the magnitude of what is happening to our world at this moment.  This morning, we have three articles from Martin Armstrong worth immediate consideration.  First, the issue with China's direction relative to the Ukraine situation [1], second, the prospect of an energy crisis [2], and third, the revelation that Belarus has actually changed its constitution to accommodate nuclear armaments [3].  There are some generalities to consider in context - 

  The principal issue here is not, per se, the development of global crises, as this has happened with regularity through history, but the sheer magnitude of corrupted leadership, both in government and among nearly all institutions in the West.  One can, however, point to the example of early centuries Rome, as a complex of collated states under an emperor, ultimately fallen to the evidently inevitable corruptions of government of democratic republics, but today is distinguished from that by the planetary totality - there is no wilderness left for free spirits to run.  And now we have nuclear explosives and an ecological collapse.  The irony is [and I proffer certain strong qualifications to Armstrong's view] that the "climate change" meme is a tragically ironic misdirection of our priorities, as it severely understates the true problems while producing a crisis of its own engineered from endemic financial opportunism.  Here we see in Armstrong's articles the appointment of a Greenpeace officer to a high position in Germany.  Armstrong views the irony in terms of its irrelevance to the priorities relating to Russia, but I see another component related to the ultimate execution of severe environmental sanctions that will not only become a failed scam under the cloak of the Great Green Reset eugenics meme, but also fail to resolve the actual current E.L.E. issues. This meme is being executed in Lockstep throughout the West, as its financial extortion and coercion have permeated and drugged every corner of Western society.  The few who stand up and point out that none of the leaders any longer have any clothes, are easily harassed and canceled by the hive.  So it therefore is an uphill battle for truth in the late stages of sociopolitical metastasis.  In the sense that the 1930's German military industrial behemoth became dominated by a meme defined by a species differentiation that justified gross genocide, we see a similar process overshadowing a vaccinated versus unvaccinated anthropology being programmed today in Western nations.  Reviewing the Tavistock paradigms of social division that have been routinely applied to Western societies over the last eight decades, we see that this process is not new, but with the endgame developments of international policy in play at this moment, it will, one way or another, end soon, if not along with mankind itself.          

One final point -

   Implicit in the Reset meme is the destruction of the existing paradigm in order to make way for the New Order.  This correlates with Skousen's thesis of a limited nuclear strike on the U.S. in order to pave the way for the U.N. "rescue" - not such an obtuse consideration any more.  What the Geneva academics have failed to consider, however, is that their hubris will not overtake China and Russia like it did in previous imperial centuries, and these nations as well as many others, sick of the Crown and the Mitre, would simply ally themselves in a great force, based upon an efficient pragmatism that the West has completely lost.  Even Russia has evolved from the illusions of Marx, but here we have those Geneva academics getting the entire Western world stoned on this archaic practise, and literally drugging entire societies in the process.  We actually have, in this day and age, a contingent of individuals arguing that the planet is flat, and in incredibly large numbers, a population completely oblivious to the refractory reality that the covid/vaccine meme is, quite simply, a Trojan horse.      




Armstrong article re war issue

   Apparently Armstrong's assessment is not altogether far from mine [1], or for that matter, from anyone's view not based upon pink unicorns at this moment.  In general, the traditional appraisal is that cooler heads prevail with such weighty matters, as there is so much to lose, but honestly I don't feel that this is true at all right now.  Nero is again rattling around the halls of government.  The people in the White House, and for that matter, 10 Downing and elsewhere, cannot hold a candle to the EXCOMM group that rode the razor's edge with the hawks in the Pentagon, missing nuclear war by virtue of a couple of fortunate rolls of the dice in the field.   McNamara, Sorensen, and certainly the Kennedy brothers knew it all too well. Now it is Putin who can reasonably regard Ukraine and Western brinkmanship is his Cuba.    These insane academics who have spun their webs across the entire Western world have managed to become children poking sticks at an angry bear. Putin is doing in essence what Kennedy did, when the West had 5,000 warjeads and Russia 300, but now the tables are turned.  The Western Press is as delusional as the governments, fed from the same trough, and furiuously ties to paint Putin as the demonic aggressor.  Aggressor he may be, and certainly not Albert Schweitzer, but for whatever is objectionable about Russian foreign policy, the West has made the perfect application for war, that any self respecting leader cannot ignore.  Next, quiet China will make her move, and we will find out what difficulty is all about.

As Armstrong says.....

"...I have been warning the West should not mess with Putin. It is so obvious that the West has made the same fatal as that of Rome. It has weakened its economy with COVID and it is so obsessed with trying to force Russia and China to comply with their Climate Change directives set out by the UN, that they have lost sight of the fact that there is no qualified leadership in any of the major countries and they have weakened their entire military establishment demanding vaccines or you are out. If there was ever a PERFECT time for World War III – this is it."


There is the definition, and then the larger picture

   SRM - Acronym for "Solar Radiation Management," as part of the suite of weather engineering and weaponization.  It involves, in particular, the geo-engineering aerosol activity sometimes called "chemtrails," although is broader, to also include deliberate forest burning to increase atmospheric particulate density to reflect sunlight.  The western U.S. and British Columbian fires are a pert of this, but few realize that Siberia lost 40 million acres to fire last year to this [something Putin is not unaware of], and both the Amazon and central Africa have lost even more.  If the people only knew.....

   Dane has pointed out, among other things, that the increase in atmospheric particulates not only reflects sunlight, but also reflects infrared re-radiation back to earth at night.  This is why nighttime lows have been rising even faster than daytime highs.  The ultimate concern is that these programs are failing catastrophically, and as we pass through points of no return for feedback mechanisms that increase planetary thermal gain [greenhouse effect], the only remedy that will be sufficiently effective is to induce a nuclear winter, which has a very high mortality rate, as opposed to the "Venus Syndrome" condition, in which, in particular, the methane hydrate outgassing could render our planet as hot as Venus in a rather short timeframe [the Kennet study known as the Clathrate Gun Hypothesis].  As the information became increasingly clear over the past number of years, I proposed to Dane in late 2018 that the only method that can be reliably calibrated to produce a defining discontinuity strong enough to stop the Clathrate Gun effect is to produce a nuclear winter effect, using something on the order of a couple of thousand detonations - approximately equal to the total of all nuclear tests.  Not that I recommend this, but rather, that the PTB may well be preparing to employ it, in lieu of, for instance, inducing a caldera explosion, which would be quite variable in its yield - it could be too much or too little, and completely lethal.  

   In addition, the most urgent problem on a timeframe shorter than the methane issue, is the hardening of the ultraviolet spectrum, caused by both pollution and unfortunately accelerated greatly by SRM, which is now critical.  Dane's scientist who has been using a solar radiometer for about a decade is seeing increasingly definitive indications that the solar UV spectrum will become deadly, notably rendering outdoor crop growing impossible, on the order of about three years now.  Some form of large acceleration of SRM will be necessary,under current philosophies. The alternative is to abruptly terminate SRM, and face the music - this is vastly preferable on an ecological level, but the reestablishment of the new global ecological equilibrium will be violent and, to say the least, will upend the existing order.  The PTB are inclined to force their own control - and this is the problem that drives the entire socioeconomic chaos, and, of course, secretly.   There has been an increase in publication of rationales as proposals for geoengineering to solve "climate change" issues, but these are obfuscations for the fact that it has been going on for over seven decades, including, for instance, the induction of drought many places the U.S. has waged war in the last several decades.  The Syrian Diaspora [read - European multiculturalism and the accommodation of Muslims into Europe's populations] has not been a matter of immigration, it is a result of weaponized drought, and refugees leaving their land to be able to eat.  The Western PTB wanted control of Syria, and this is how they did it.  This is not unlike the social engineering in the U.S., in which the migration across our southern border is being programmed, of course, with the officials in government pretending to object, but all the time secretly sanctioning it.  The purpose of the recent geo-engineering "proposals" in the literature is evidently to condition public opinion to accept it, as if it were a new thing.    

              Analysis - Strategic Global Factors Behind Current Socioeconomic Mechanics

 This G.H. interview [1] with a former Russian intelligence officer is a critical view of the socioeconomic reality, and fairly detailed, although even here the root cause of the economic failure is not mentioned - the food supply reduction occurring over the next several years due to accumulation of real ecological damage, especially the ultraviolet schedule, as it interacts with the direct general species E.L.E. which is very slightly slower.  I suspect that the international-level drunken spending and even the timing of the covid meme have been calculated to coincide with the projection of ecological crisis, but virtually none of the open literature analysts are saying a word about it - it is that compartmentalized, and critical an operation.  Once the SRM handle is let go, the heavy rains due to the renormalization [drop] in chemical potential in the atmosphere could become massive, and melt rate at the poles as well, raising ocean quickly.  It is not out of the question that this is the real prospectus of the "Navy Map," and the asteroid//comet explanation an obfuscation that is true in the long term, but not the actual event.  The flyback of abruptly discontinuing SRM will be quite violent and economy devastating, and the alternative is the use of the nuclear winter option, in which case it will be very cold for some years, with a fatality rate well north of ninety percent.  To put this in perspective, however, the Pentagon estimates for just a general EMP ranges as high as ninety percent in six months in the U.S., although I suspect that in Russia, where civil defense is taken very seriously and hardship is no stranger, survival rates will be quite high in comparison.  These are stark considerations, but I think it is high time they be looked at with urgency.  With Homeland Security walking in tandem with a confederate government, and now in a time of volatile global conflict, the duplicity and incompetence at the national level is a monumental threat to the legitimate national interests now held quietly held by veterans, truckers and farmers,whose judgement is vastly more reliable than faux politicians spouting RAND-Tavistock word crafting.

    No need for fiscal planning when total collapse of the basis is only a few years away.  An important component of Estulin's argument is the symmetry between the economic and sociological disaster that followed the collapse of the Soviet, and what is in store for the West, particularly the U.S., as the most extreme contrast will occur here.  Of course, I see a deeper root cause, but the effect is still valid during the lead-in to the geophysical changes.

   Dane mentioned [2] that Gates recently stated at a German security conference that although we have a handle on the covid situation, there will be a new pandemic soon, by a different pathogen.  These words are a bit too similar to Fauci's in 2017.  I'm afraid that Lockstep is no fiction.  Dane also mentioned that the methane issue is beginning to receive press, as it is becoming severe [and un-hidable], although the timeframe for the Kennett catastrophe [clathrate gun] is, I believe, substantially longer than the immediate considerations.  Ultimately, however, the calculations may be made upon the issue of arresting it, more than addressing the general factors behind planetary enthalpy rise, and this points toward the nuclear winter option.  I frankly don't have enough information to determine whether interruption of SRM would suffice for partial survival, or if it is now beyond the point of no return for the clathrate gun.  Knowledge of this may be a critical matter.  In any case, we will not have to wait very long to know.  From this perspective, the game that Gates&Co. are playing is nothing more than population management ahead of the real issue, and it is entirely possible that at his level, Gates, and even the Schwab entourage are not being told the whole truth.  The volk who are calling the real shots are names one seldom or never hears.  Even Armstrong, despite his immense sophistication in socioeconomics, does not see this connexion.  Ronald Bernard, for instance, certainly does, however, and his interviews are impressive.  One might have to wonder about it all, but then again Armstrong is completely subducted by the simplex of climate issues as a function of economic agendas, without any reference whatsoever to the paradigm-ending factors.  This does not seem to be an intellectual limitation so much as a cultural bias endemic to his very thesis of refractory cycles.  The reasons for this are still perplexing, and invite investigation.  Nonetheless, far too much analytic data points directly toward the  E.L.E., and on a timeframe well within this decade. 

   The tremendous inconvenience of relocating and urgent building will yield to a very different perspective quite soon, although the emotional and financial costs are tremendous right now.  So few are listening even now, and disillusionment from public indifference following the ivermectin revelations over a year ago is a brutal reality check regarding the massive carnage that will occur here in the U.S.  Indeed, as Estulin says, the "zombies" will be out and about, and it will be no joking matter.  I wish that the brain trust of so-called independent media and analytical ability were not so completely diluted and uncoordinated. So much of the older generation has let go of the steering wheel, and the younger generation is so lost in new age watercolors, that real technical analysis, at least here in the West, seems almost impossible, let alone capable of mobilization into a palpable force.



The Invasion of America

  Note this article on Forbes [1].  Of course, they are glib about advancements of the vaccine meme.  Meanwhile, a host of Ukraine non-events control the Drudge headlines, nothing about the convoy, and notably an article [2] about how RFK Jr. is anguishing his family over his vaccine discussions, and is undermining the medical authorities -

".....His conduct “undercuts 50 years of public health vaccine practice, and he’s done it in a way I’ve never see anyone else do it,” said Michael T. Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. “He is among the most dangerous because of the credibility of who he is and what his family name has brought to this issue.”

   It is interesting how the radical left is criticizing a man who is a marked environmentalist, quintessentially on topic in traditional liberal sense, yet is lambasted by the same .......cartel, that has every marking of a burgeoning bloom of fascism, the same descriptive that they have tried to stamp Trump's kettle as.  So typical.... like Klaus Barbee sending children to Auschwitz under the immaculate medical orders from his superiors.  What is common among all of this is massive chemical profit behind a radical left establishment pretending to be extreme right, parading as ethical medical authority, that has stolen an election, and conveniently uses both the right and left hand to manipulate public opinion.  Of course, they will be indignant at the accusation, but then such an irony is perfectly consistent with the species, and will almost certainly perish not by enlightenment, but insanely resolute in their bunkers. 

  The war against fundamental American morays and priorities started some time ago, but the invasion began on November 3rd, 2020 -  and this is regardless whether one thinks much of Donald Trump or not, or has true liberal views or not.  We are in an absolute leadership vacuum, a discontinuity - an exsanguination - of legitimate government, and meanwhile the analytical evidence against the vaccines is galactic in its dimensions, corruption flaming across the sky, yet this country and a fair portion of the West is frozen in a strange calcification of mindless, Mesmeric compliance to authority - an authority that is, by every measure that my education can conceive of, a vile, putrid assault on the interests of my country, all of its people, and every act of ingenuity and sacrifice made to build and preserve the original core of Western constitutional freedom. Is it any wonder that Putin has taken his opportunity?  And what all is next?  Whoever in the hell this Osterholm and his medical Ostara is, he obviously does not read, like RFK Jr does, or his father did, or evidently engage in any kind of medicine that I would be inclined to ever respect or countenance.  And this country is apparently at this moment infested with such people and their journalistic swill.  



Discussion of the Apocalypse

  An interesting comment in Greg Hunter's column on the Ukraine situation [1] includes a reference to a lecture by John J. Mearsheimer [2], in which the point is made that Ukraine has been caught between Western and Russian agendas, in particular that the West mislead Ukraine into a false sense of support that in turn hardened Ukraine's resolve to defy Putin.  Meanwhile, NATO has consistently pressured Putin into a defensive position, refusing meaningful negotiation.  The West has been driving Putin into a choice between submission to Western economic objectives or else military action in Ukraine.  This is not related to the difference in socioeconomic philosophies between East and West, but is more a culmination of the economic war that forced dissolution of the Soviet Union, and then translated into the more recent objectives of the Great Reset global paradigm.  That paradigm is not only forcing its will on Russia and China, but has become the primary adversary of Western democracy through the covid meme.  The vaccination paradigm is a direct analogue of Western policy regarding Ukraine, and both are doomed [3].

   The insane hubris of such Western policies is no more evident than with the vaccine and mandate paradigm, which, by every sensible analytical measure, is not only insolvent, but challenges the position which the Third Reich experimentation on prisoners holds on crimes against humanity, sanctioned under the auspices of broadly institutionalised, sanctioned genocide.  Per this point, I would like to introduce Dr. Chris Martensen's recent session [4] describing the factor of 133 increase in myocarditis associated with covid vaccines, with a median age of 21, that has been observed from official data - and, as Martensen shows, the biases in reporting point toward the factor of 133 as being a substantial ***underestimate***.

   To be clear, I am not suggesting that Rusisan and Chinese objectives in the world are any less a concern to our freedoms in America, but it is time to make the point that there is a far greater threat - as the great philosophers have long known, the most dangerous enemy is one who holds office in one's own country and then betrays his people.  In the sense that, for instance, Klaus Schwab is a Western academic whose concepts have become domestic policy through globalised integration of national interests, we therefore see that the entire Western entourage of global policy has usurped all Western governments including ours.  Vaccine and mandate policy is carried across national boundaries like radiation, with every government, institution and major corporation in lockstep, gassed by a pervasive, insidious extortion, mentally collated by a barrage of calculated buzzwords.

  Again, the point must be made that current Western domestic and foreign policies are, by normal standards, suicidal.  It seems that Eisenhower and Kennedy had already seen the preface for this situation six decades ago.  One must search deeply for an explanation, and indeed it exists - acute planetary ecological insolvency, that is supernatant to the domain of public and ordinary institutional knowledge.  It is no coincidence that Dane Wigington's recording of Lyndon Johnson's tirade on control of the global cloud layer indicates a fateful preface as well.   This issue has been addressed in prior discussions.  The Sino-Russian side of Western policy of recent is as cryptic and destructive as vaccine-mandate policy, when viewed in terms of the priorities of normal humanity.  But these policies suddenly become clear if we see the future in terms of gross ecological collapse in which an elite group that holds principal control over global resources has abandoned all hope of an enlightened solution for humanity as a whole.  Just as the Soros and Tavistock genres of dividing populations in order to control them have splintered nearly every society in the West, so are East and West divided by the same Machiavellian gestures of commerce, multiculturalism and false environmentalism, obfuscating the true divisions with insoluble paradigms of false redemption, or else stonewalled by lethal intransigence. 

   When will the peoples, and even the leaders of great and small nations, recognise that they have been played in an endgame?  Have we forgotten how to love, how to reconcile?  ....It is arguably time that the germ of inspiration, not subjugation, take the stage, and subtend the paradigm now being pressed down upon us.  As we consider the rising prospectus of the neutron chain reaction in our future, it is instead the spiritual chain reaction that is ultimately more potent in any meaningful game of survival, and which the power brokers of World Order fear the most, variously also known as the enlightening, the awakening, or the Apocalypse.   We can, of course, turn, for instance, to the words of Jesus and Buddha, but we see, in unsavory pretext, what the West's germinal authorities and institutions did to the former.  ....Do better next time?



The best analytical evidence of this perspective are the consistent results from Martin Armstrong's SOCRATES socioeconomic code, indicating a shift of global power from the West to China and its partners, in the timeframe of 2032. 


Oil prices and sanction issues

Over at, we see some revealing article regarding the complex effects from sanctions.    West Texas crude has fallen back to about 92, but as we see from [1], shipping and global demand will likely become chaotic [2].  Also, there is international disagreement regarding the sanctions [3], and this could complicate the West's efforts to contain Putin.  The article addresses Ukraine's objections, but stresses on an already prostrated European economy will predispose to friction.  There is also Russian dissension regarding the war itself, and that is being suppressed, much like the rising anti-vax dissent in the West.  Clearly governments and the current Order are quickly making themselves obsolete, on both sides of the world.  Even though oil prices have returned to "normal," uncertainties will likely drive substantial premiums, and exacerbate already serious inflationary pressure. 




Political and Nuclear Dimensions of the Ukraine Situation

Martel, writing at Breitbart, discusses Ukraine's Zelensky's reaction to Putin recognizing a degree of autonomy in eastern Ukraine [1].  There are also considerations of Ukraine pursuing nuclear weapons capability:

".....Zelensky, who had expressed extreme exasperation with warnings from the White House for the past month of an “imminent” invasion of the entirety of Ukraine, had hinted in remarks this weekend that he believed Kyiv should consider building a nuclear weapons program. The country had abandoned all nuclear ambitions in 1994, signing the Budapest Memorandum that issued security guarantees from the West – meaning Western countries would fill in the defense gap left by Ukraine destroying its nuclear weapons – in exchange for Kyiv agreeing not to pursue nuclear weapons development."

“.....As we know, it has already been stated today that Ukraine intends to create its own nuclear weapons, and this is not just bragging,” Putin claimed. “Ukraine has the nuclear technologies created back in the Soviet times and delivery vehicles for such weapons, including aircraft, as well as the Soviet-designed Tochka-U precision tactical missiles with a range of over 100 kilometres. But they can do more; it is only a matter of time."

   We may also include today's excellent discussion by Martin Armstrong on the background of Ukrainian politics, which are convoluted and rife with corruption.  There are also various conversations floating regarding Biden involvement with business inside Ukraine.  For anyone in a public position to be substantially involved in the unstable situation there, let alone bring possible conflicts of interest into global power play, is unconscionable.  As Armstrong says:

".....Consequently, Zelensky is pushing not just Ukraine into war for a matter of pride, but he is trying to deliberately bring in the United States and Europe into World War III all because of what appears to be his personal hatred of Russians for the days of Stalin. Once more, we have this Eastern European crisis that sparked World War I, in a position to create World War III. The simple solution is let the people decide with an election whereas those living in Donetsk and Luhansk are entitled to decide their own fate."    

The global dimension of this conflict and its consequences are undeniable, and if I may quote Armstrong once more -

"....Meanwhile, the stupidity of this entire crisis is that we have the most incompetent people in governments ever. Germany is to appoint Jeniffer Morgan, the former head of Green Peace, and their Secretary of State. How in the world is this climate activist qualified in military matters? Then China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken discussed the Ukrainian tensions during a phone call. “The situation in Ukraine is getting worse,” was the response from China’s foreign ministry following the call. China correctly pointed out that this entire crisis was closely related to the delayed implementation of the new Minsk Agreement where these two provinces were to be independent but Ukraine demands imperialism. If this escalates, China will be on the side of Russia and the West will lose!"

   I have had several conversations regarding possible nuclear dimensions with Ukraine.  I do not have specific information, but I have certainly wondered about the likelihood that, given the chronic instability of its position, post-Soviet Ukraine might have secured a contingent of plutonium pits, or engineered them from existing Chernobyl-grade reactors, as they are modeled from the graphite weapons reactor designs and may well accept plutonium breeding modules.  Also, Iran is not far away, and plutonium-uranium composite cores might be possible, and the prospect that Iran might also make applications with plutonium cores.  Given recent Western difficulties with Turkey's Ergodon, and strong Muslim dominance, it is not unfeasible for nuclear material to cross Turkey to and from Iran.  The use of a "dirty bomb" has also surfaced, and certainly there is plenty of source material at Chernobyl. Although its strategic and tactical value are extremely limited, the psychological impact will, at least at first, be substantial, until people realise that such weapons are quite localised and can be dealt with fairly quickly.  A contingent of compact fission-fusion devices, skillfully located, is another matter.   To see discussions that place Zelensky in a category of desperate and willing to risk general war, is frankly unsettling.

   Final analysis of the genesis of global conflict from the Ukraine situation is complex, ranging far from simple brinkmanship between national interests.  Beyond even the intricate sociopolitical details is the seldom addressed pressure from rapidly approaching ecological failure that dwarfs the climate change meme.  Wigington's technical sources indicate with increasing accuracy that the SRM aerosol damage to the ozone, in addition to other factors, is showing an E.L.E. failure point for ultimate hardening of the solar ultraviolet spectrum not more than three years away, with the most direct implications for crop and ocean life collapse [4].  Consider, for a moment, that we are already at the seventy percent point, and the process is nonlinear.  This problem is concurrent with all other ecological degradations, including catastrophic planetary enthalpy gain that is already severely destabilising weather and hydrology.  The "climate change" meme, or Gore's carbon credit score game, is an anemic half-truth serving as a dangerous obfuscation of the real situation, whose public knowledge would instantly destroy all government authority and control.  ......All the while, Ukraine is one of the largest producers of wheat, at a time in which global foodstock failure is about to accelerate.  I would not be surprised if Putin, whose advisors are not bleached Western academics, is more concerned about securing food than playing footsie with NATO, or even worrying about Geneva's Great Reset.  By the middle of the decade, strategic politics may hardly matter.  There is a real concern that at even the head of state level, the visible mechanics of global chess is little more than the pinochle score on the deck of the Titanic, while the real scientists and master manipulators control the real wealth - strategic resources to survive what may likely be a programmed nuclear winter.  There are therefore those who see benefits in producing at least a limited nuclear conflict, either or both, from a brutally pragmatic eugenic perspective and as part of the realignment process in which the North American industrial complex, which must be retired from its position as the enforcement arm of Western control of global commodities, is forced into the custody of a United Nations pretext [Skousen, 3].  Meanwhile, the U.S. military is blowing bubbles, and the entire mass of  Western ingenuity chases after an absurd vaccination meme when hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, sitting on the shelves with virtually no contraindications, have been the obvious and immediate solutions to a dastardly and diabolical malfeasance of public and medical responsibilities, by those who have long outstripped the definition of incompetence. 

   It is difficult to believe that any great spiritual leader of the ages could ever endorse such behaviour of nations, and their societies who so conveniently empower them.  Woke must rapidly evolve to genuine wakefulness, else extinction will be our lot.   In the background are the quiet elite who have secured their well established redoubts, and a precious few who, by spiritual instinct or rare knowledge, are serving due diligence to the coming seven years of famine - if we are so fortunate.  The rest of the Petri dish will go to the autoclave.  Beyond all of this, we can indeed discuss more inspired solutions for mankind, but to be sure, not from a position of weakness.



per discussion in J. Skousen, "Strategic Relocation, 3rd ed."

various, but to include the most recent broadcast,

Note the Canadian Parliament supports Trudeau's actions against the trucker freedom movement [1], including seizing of bank accounts and arrested truckers' pets [2], with no clear disposition on what will happen to them.  Meanwhile, the war cycle reaches nodes regarding Ukraine [3], noting in particular that Biden has banned American investment in Ukraine.  As I have mentioned before, as economic ties are broken, the last obstacles to war between East and West are removed.  And, as Armstrong points out in [2] -

"....Pets become part of the family. Truckers on long-haul commutes often have a dog for companionship, and once the Canadian government is facing a mob of irate truckers whose beloved pets were seized, they’re going to have a much bigger problem on their hands,"

and also in [4],

"....There was a trucker shortage before corona virus hit. The American Trucking Association (ATA) estimates that the US is still short of 80,000 drivers, and that number is expected to decline. The Freedom Convoy has shown the world the importance of truck drivers. The ATA estimates that the shortage could surpass 160,000 by 2030 based on current employment trends."

   Also note in the greater context, Armstrong's central point in [3], that a primary objective by the West has been to induce Putin to make a move against Ukraine in order to establish a pretext of distraction from the failing covid/vaccine meme.  I cannot imagine a more stupid or dangerous move on the West's part, with no reasonable prospect for handling war with any more integrity or competence than has been demonstrated with the covid meme.    I do, however, find Putin's move today [5] to be quite intelligent, rolling tanks into the Donetsk area as "peacekeepers."  Instead of a conventional frontal attack on Ukraine, this places the potential pretext for an evident attack on Russian forces right in check on the political chessboard, without firing a shot.    

    On a local note, I visited the lumber company again yesterday to purchase the last of their remaining inventory of 2x12x20 special structural boards, as they do not expect to be able to receive more for the foreseeable future, and have heard indications that lumber will rise by another large percentage in March even more than the sixty percent jump that occurred last week.  If, for instance, half inch plywood rises just another sixty percent, it will be about eighty dollars, exceeding its highest price [except for a transient peak over one hundred] over the last year. They are anticipating the possibility of collapse in construction orders as builders react to the impossible cost basis, and of course the rising prospect of having to close business.  Lumber has traditionally been one of the more free-market commodities, but this has notably changed in the last couple of years, as the major lumber suppliers have evidently been able to squeeze the market by coordinated price gouging, even when supplies recovered.  Add to this the instabilities with Canada, that do not appear to be transitory.  Another lumber company I do business with has been struggling, as new inventory can easily cost more than the last retail sales.  This forces them to either divert their profits, which are narrow and competitive for lumber, from income realisation to investment in new inventory valuation, or else pull direct capital reserves to cover the increasing costs of holding inventory.  This situation raises costs even further and threatens insolvency, even when lumber may fall substantially again, and they are holding inventory that they must then sell at a loss, of hold an inordinate amount of time in speculation, which is negative for turnover.   







The following question on a social media platform brings forth an avalanche.

    " Why are conservatives less concerned about the Coronavirus (COVID-19) than liberals?"

To find an answer, one must substitute the integrand,

        'conservatives less concerned about the Coronavirus,'   

with its equivalent expression,

         'less inclined to be obedient to government mandates,'

and then derive the sociological analysis and the significances.  They are considerable....  

   First, 'conservative; and 'liberal' must be addressed, and this is very difficult today because both of these sociological states of polarizations are subject to a great deal of propaganda and social programming that leaves any definition quite different from what these terms related to in, say, ca. 1965.   It is interesting, for instance, that Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the prodigal candidate of the Democratic Party in 1968, is one of the most prominent and articulate proponents of the rising mandate resistance movement, variously labeled as 'anti-vaxxers,' and so forth.  I would certainly recommend his book [5].  Exactly how the New York Post can have the temerity to publish an article describing him as the 'dumbest Kennedy' [6], is beyond description, except to point out that indeed we have entered the time when good shall be called evil, and evil good.  We recall that Joseph Goebbels called Churchill a reprobate son-of-a-bitch, but then again, admittedly, a few English did as well.

Inversion of Conservative and Liberal Conflicts

   False flags, as a generalised pogrom against organic objections to arbitrary state authority, are being invented to thwart the movement and the shift in public awareness, the first being the January 6th 'insurrection' meme associated with the purchased election, and then the clumsily borrowed Trudeau regurgitations against the trucker rally, as he ran into the folds of his handlers.  The so-called 'liberal' social media, closely associated with [read, in collusion with] the Western pharmceutical industry and its ties with the Klaus Schwab, and his toadies such as Bill Gates and numerous purchased heads of state, is not even bashful about publicly announcing its control of men such as Trudeau and Biden, rancorously condemning the likes of RFK Jr., and every scientist and doctor who has taken field data that dramatically refutes virtually all mantras and mandates that Western governments and institutions have of late peddled in the name of public interest.  As the resistance grows, their more generalised fear of the indignation of an enraged populace could take us into a biological 911 or war.  Gerald Celente [4] often offers the parabola, 'when all else fails, they take us to war,' as this is so often proven in history.  The Skousen analysis [1] and Armstrong's SOCRATES codes indicate a high potential for major war at least a couple of years away, and there are indications of intense violence , perhaps interpretable as nuclear [see, for instance, Farsight Institute's interesting remote viewing on the post-election period 2024 [2]] entering the picture by mid-decade. Martin Armstrong's models are, in my opinion, and certainly the CIA's, exceptionally refractory, although there are questions about our near future that will arguably deviate nonlinearly from Armstrong's decidedly cyclic and deterministic model [see, for instance, recent article [3]].    

Expansion of Scope

   In these larger dimensions of consideration, I suspect that the 'conservatives' are far more 'concerned,' although not specifically about the absurdly exaggerated meme of the coronavirus.  One preface of the biological 911 concept is the meme, 'Lockstep Protocols,' in which, after sufficient push-back to this vaccination pogrom, a new pathogen with several tens of percent mortality rate will be released.  We shall likely soon see if this is a legitimate precipitation, but the rationale certainly is not lacking in historical precedents, and clear and present motivations.  Another dimension of the process is the chess game being played with Russia, using the pretext of NATO priorities.  The whole scene is a Cuban Missile Crisis in reverse, and the answer from Moscow was a 'drill' that completely flustered the West in perfect mirror image of the Able Archer NATO drill in 1983, that sent Soviet generals to their missile launch bunkers, and very nearly sent the world into nuclear disaster.  Now the shoe is on the other foot, and the entire West has lost its credibility, especially against a man as intelligent as Putin, regardless of one's view of his politics.  This too, is consistently predicted in the SOCRATES code results, indicating a rapid collapse of the West, sending global power to the East - China, by around 2032.  Even that prediction is negotiable, as we find graphene in our rain and snow, and the most recent ultraviolet spectral analysis is converging to 2025 as the point in which few if any crops will survive outdoors [7].  I'm confident that Geneva is sweating this situation out, and their strings on the prime ministers of Australia, New Zealand, and of course Canada and the U.S., are being pulled furiously to condemn all genuine constitutional conservatives, in the proper definition, who resist this international cabal.  The guillotines are quietly being readied in the hinterlands, and no one who is thinking clearly is in the mood for cake.....  
   ....So it is arguable that the 'concern' is simply more appropriately placed, at least among real thinkers, and the blessed proactives such as the truckers, who must now fully mobilise their courage.  If this sounds a bit political - it is, and I will not wince, apologise or spare the rod during this critical time in history. I would not want to be a head of state in the West, or a social media [or mainstream] executive, nor a corporate head, let alone of a pharmaceutical, in the coming period of history.       

Lack of Leaders Dedicated to the True Public Interest

  Arguably, there are now precious few true liberals, if not public leaders in general, let alone of the caliber of Bobby Kennedy, who actually do meaningful reading before taking a position or can actually change their mind in public, who have not been displaced by what can only be described as brainwashed radical left, who cannot even spell 'awakened.'  Many 'conservatives,' on the other hand, have largely been asleep at the wheel, blindly trusting Tavistock- vetted proteges such as the Bush dynasty to expel conservative sounding lingo as if it were real statesmanship  .....and their runners, the Clintons, the left hand of the same monster, all taking cocaine transfer payments and sanctioning false flags with the Company.  Likewise, that trust in whited sepulchers filled with legalised pharmaceuticals becomes debased in high treason, and the West teeters.  

The Debt and the Clarion

   The alarm has gone off, and everyone can smell the diesel.  If they, who pretend to be liberals today, mistake it for gunpowder, it will remain their illusion to treat with, as, meanwhile, the rubber meets the road of real solutions.  True liberals, in the context of human freedom of the frontier, seem to fall into the same ultimate set of secular priorities as the professed conservatives, albeit arguably in a less structured cultural and religious doctrine - which does not have to be irreconcilable.  This land, our home, has been America in its original purpose as a republic not subject to the wiles of obsolete false kings and ivory-tower neuvo-Bolshaviks who have only the smell of money on their hands. I would also think that Canadians are, in the end, largely in this same self-reliant mentality, albeit more quietly at first, soon rejecting the stale global paradigm, and awakening the same quiet courage that awaits its avalanche in Australia.  There is another debt, however, also quietly held, to the tribes from which so much has been stolen, and to the land. This is not a conservative or liberal question, but far deeper, walking upon the bones of so many whose ambition was simply existence and natural harmony with the world.  .....But it was the same wicked crowns that violated the native tribes in the first place, carrying flags, miss-stated bibles and smallpox in a cloud of Old World residue.  Here, we remember the words of the late Russell Means [8], and consider very carefully the consequences of an Old World Order calling itself New, as the prescription of our future. The stale paradigm of the few controlling the many, Pharoahs and slaves in its many iterations, must be replaced with the concept that growth of spirit and consciousness is the sharing of creation, in which the rendering of another as an extension of one's will is antithetical.  Kings must be replaced with organic leaders.        


   If I may proffer, it is time that the people en masse recognise that the left-right pendulum only serves to hypnotise them.  The salient question is not - why the liberal or conservative may be more this or less that, but rather - how do we unify the peoples, so insidiously divided against each other, to successfully defy their true polar opposites - the false kings, crowns and fish heads of the world who scarcely bother to hide their hatred of truth and equanimity of mankind, and have, throughout history, only proven their methods of genocide?  When the likes of Soros and Brzenzenski sanction their calculations among a financial elite to sustain the means to control and exsanguinate whole societies as virtual subspecies, a barrier of false, existential sophistication must be broken, in favour of a more organic spiritual equation, for which 'these truths are self evident.'  
   Soon enough, very soon, nature itself will weigh in, and we will be concerned about much bigger problems.  It is possible that enough latent psycho-social stress will develop during the next several years to yield fertile ground for the rise of an exceptionally power leader or set of leaders, who will overturn the Order built upon unbounded, unsustainable industrial growth and its materialistic indenturement of the people.  The Clif High linguistic analyses [9] are an interesting insight to the collective clairvoyance at play in the process.  We cannot be certain that such a development will not result in Nostradamus' Third, or else a renaissance based upon the inspired paroxysms of human free will.  As, what we concern ourselves with in our hearts, is converted to action, so it will be, in a new partnership with the residuals of our reckless past.  So much was the same when the Pharisees were called whited sepulchers two thousand years ago, by one who taught the art of speaking truth to earthly power.  

See Joel Skousen, 'Strategic Relocation,' 3rd ed. 2010.



Gerald Celente, publisher, 'Trends Journal'

“The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health”


Per Dane Wigington, see broadcast, GlobalAlert 2-12-2022, discussing the discovery of graphene nanoparticles in recent rain and snow measurements, and spectral radiometric data updating the last decade and a half of observation that UVC is becoming a significant component of sunlight as ozone levels become completely depleted.  The direct consequence will be mass global crop failure no later than 2025, and starting now. I proposed to D.W. in late 2018 that we will soon enter a point at which an induced nuclear winter will be the only dependable remedy, as there is no indication that the Solar Radiation Management programmes, that release the particulates that are destroying the ozone inventory, are being curtailed.  Meanwhile, the obfuscation of Maunder Minimum and misrepresented global thermal data holds both public and institutions below First Tier confidentiality in complete and ironic confusion.

See interview [youtube], Russell Means, "Americans are the New Indian."

Clif High,, linguistic analysis of communications linguistic patterns from which insights to future events can be inferred.

Analysis per Russia-Ukraine Brinkmanship issue

   Armstrong has lined out a very important issue - the U.S. threats via Biden are a paper tiger [1].  Quayle has weighed in on his alerts for the first time in nearly two months, see bottom, [2], but the proposal is bombastic.  The larger picture revolves around the issue of NATO provocation of Russia, and what the purpose of that provocation is.  The Western leaders are so incompetent and desperate that their decision making process is in serious doubt, and also, this is an engraved invitation for Putin and Xi to secure their regional interests.  There is some ambiguity regarding the question of whether Biden was put in to act as a rubber stamp for Geneva, or whether such weakness in U.S. government has actually been programmed in order to create an irresistible temptation for a Russia-China move - or both.   Duping Saddam into Kuwait is one thing, but Putin is quite another.  So far, there is nothing to decisively reject the Skousen proposition, in which case there will shortly be nuclear war.  Then, of course, there is the point I have been making for several years related to managing climate.  Since the Western governments have, and continue to do such an incredibly great job with the covid/vaccine issue, we can rest comfortably with regard to the infinitely more complex matter of East-West relations and long as we are completely drunk.     


S.Q. 2-13-22