Stephen O'Neal Commentaries, 01 through 31 March, 2022

28 March,2022

The Mechanics of Ordo Ab Chao 

 Note the latest NOAA long range ]1].  We are setting up for a major concern for the wheat belt, not to mention drought and heat over large portions of the western U.S.  Of course, Biden has announced "Expect real food shortages." There is a deeper structure to these headlines. 

   Regarding shortages applied to war strategy, Armstrong is pointing out [2] the specifics on commodity restrictions to Russia that are identical to the pre-WWII playbook that forced Japan to militarily acquire critical resources, and ultimately to attack U.S. territory in order to prevent naval interference.  Japan's method worked for a number of months, but as we know, the industrial power of the U.S. came to bear, which was also the ultimate plan by those who had to get American involvement in WWII, against sentiment to not repeat the WWI situation.    The global strategy to use the U.S. as its enforcement arm in the current meme is inherently flawed on several levels, especially militarily.  As Armstrong points out [3]

    "....The biggest NATO force in Europe is Turkey with about 445,000. The next is France with 208,000, Germany 1ith 189,000, Italy with 174,000, the UK with 156,000, Spain at 123,000, Poland 121,000, Greece 106,000, and everyone else under 100,000. The US has 1,352,000 and Canada 71,000. This means that in Europe, NATO has 1.3 million. If China assisted Russia, that would be a force of 3.7 million.
"The problem this time is that the US has 1.3 million total, down from 2.2 million under Reagan. The US is clearly counting on non-conventional weapons. So have we reached the point where nukes are the ONLY line of defense?"

And addressing the underlying strategy of creating an enemy focal point -

   ".....This DEMONIZING Putin is highly dangerous. All the Russian leaders see this as a proxy war and they will respond even much more aggressively if Putin was not there. My concern is the US keeps cheering on the Ukrainians and they NEVER have any strategy other than the immediate victory. The aftermath they seem to never consider. Remove Putin and this is an attack upon Russia and its culture, that pushes the world to the brink and we cannot rule out that it wo0uld be a warning to all of Europe by nuking Kyiv as a warning to all of Europe – is this what you really want?"

   It is becoming evident that a strategy of shortages is being applied to populations on both sides of the current European conflict.  This is, of course, not a new concept, as the principal oligarchical core behind virtually all international conflicts is always found behind both sides, feeding the military industrial dimension, as well as the ultimate socioeconomic infarction that brings down nations and societies  The institutionalized act of socioeconomic terrorism always originates within that core, and precipitates the military reaction, demonizing all who object as unpatriotic, or worse.  The mentality and funding of the Third Reich originated with the Versailles Treaty which was grossly punitive, causing great hardship and hunger, and then with venture capital from the very Western corporations and nations that defeated it.  Only the industrialist core and the undertakers profit.  Lincoln saw a similar problem with the post war South and attempted to spend large sums to heal the nation.  Members of Congress, seeing instead the profit from a punitive dispensation of the South, won out, and Andrew Johnson paid dearly for attempting to sustain Lincoln's wishes.  The other major element of strategy is the creation of insane hatreds between societies that obviates rational thinking.  While many Americans and Europeans are being hypnotized into assigning Putin as Mephistopheles, the reality is that whatever many dark things the Kremlin is guilty of, the West has done a hundred things like them in the name of royal necessity and international freedom, sinking the Main over and over again, calling the kettle black.  This time, it is all under the label of the "Great Reset," "Great Green Reset," and "Build Back Better" mantles, which are rouge for the face of Ordo Ab Chao.  So far, human nature and the methods of mass Mesmerism have been a very predictable commodity as fodder for those whose ethos is not the balance of prosperity in the world, or certainly balance with nature itself.   The horrors of our future, a very near future, will be the product of our failure to imagine and act upon a new basis for civilization that is an emancipation from the patterns that have brought us to this brink of self destruction. 

   Our remaining hope is inspiration to a new, unencumbered freedom, breaking away from the wiles of Milgramid hatreds, rising above the boiling ironies of false anti-racism and false environmentalism doctrines calculated in the boardrooms of the industrialists and pale academics, and to the possibility that, as an alternative to the neutron in uranium, such an inspiration can also vigorously chain react in the collective conscience of humanity.  The various avenues of Deliberate Dumbing Down in Western societies are designed to erode our capacity to see past our reptilian complex and its base reflexes.  It is in point of fact a defacto lobotomy to maintain the general populace as livestock, with the American public as especially disposable due to its high draw on global commodities and sensibilities of personal freedom.  Hence the forced shortages too far in advance of their "green" alternatives, and a programmed pretext for war that covers a multitude of sins, with an easy target rising from the previous Soviet cold war threat.  Von Braun new all too well that the whole thing was manufactured in Western think tanks.  What we do not know is whether the dumbing down is now sufficient to doom us due to terminal momentum, or instead still be defeated.  Our only practical course is therefore to assume, in our urgency now, that it can be defeated.  





17 March,2022

Regarding the War Drums and What is Behind Them

   Apparently Armstrong is pointing out a similar issue as I just discussed today.  According to Armstrong, the NATO preparations are apparently at risk of igniting general war within a month time frame.  Note in particular,

........"The Press is deliberately trying to create World War III and is engaged in using photos of children hurt and others from events unrelated to Ukraine. This is all to beat the war drums to create World War III without any honest understanding of what that will mean."

   Of course, I also view the itinerary in terms of a secretly held set of priorities that Armstrong's cyclic models do not pick up.  If the ultraviolet trends and consequences are correct, then the global strategic realignment must clearly precede a general collapse of planetary food carrying capacity.  This factor is ahead of the Skousen strategic analysis that is closer to the middle of the decade [although that prediction in "Strategic Relocation" is now more than a decade old], but it is also notable that SOCRATES indicates a war node in 2023.  Another perspective is that Skousen is more or less correct, and that Geneva is attempting to bring conflict early for such reasons.  There is also the climactic equation expressed in terms of a programmed nuclear exchange to interrupt the rapidly shifting strange attractor of planetary heat balance, and its associated violent transients.  It would be well to discover a good reason to discount the latter, but significant escalations in geoengineering and designated forest burning around the globe, plus media pumping of public perception of the subject as if to justify the solar radiation management meme as a new agenda, suggest otherwise.  These methods are stopgap at best, and have been failing.  Both Arctic and Antarctic ice collapse are greatly accelerating, and public revelation of the truth about the implications would bring instant chaos.  The endothermic process being used in the Arctic is not as practical in the Antarctic, as the northern side benefits from the differential between the thin ice layer currently being sustained in lie of what would already be a blue ocean situation, contrasting no differential in the Antarctic, where a foot of additional ice would contribute nothing to the albedo.   The main issue in the South is the two hundred feet of ocean rise associated with accelerated melting, as opposed to the minimal ocean rise from the salt-laden and much smaller ice inventory in the North.  Global economics, and particularly the role of long term fiscal insolvency, take on an entirely new meaning when these extinction level parameters enter the discussion.  Skousen's strategic rationale for inducing a limited nuclear conflict [attack on U.S. targets followed by a programmed non-response by U.S. strategic nuclear defense], has a new but consistent component that extends beyond simple global power realignments.   One can hope, in this case, that the time frame is not compatible with this analysis, but we still have the ultraviolet concern that is becoming quite well defined.

   An issue to consider more urgently is the list of critical supplies and resources that one must secure before there is a series of events that precede an inflection of elevated general public awareness of the threat.  Of course, there are much larger considerations in the longer term.  At the moment we remain in defcon 3, and the discussion is still theoretical.  The historical precedents, however, are not  - 

16 March,2022

The Manchurian Dimension of Contemporary Media

 Note this publication via NBC [1].  First of all, Zelensky's view is not exactly an objective perspective, and, by a number of indications, is arguably a Manchurian process.  The natural, idealistic popular view is to support the underdog against the giant, but this conflict is infinitely more complex, obfuscated with ultimately ironic half truths that generate a hopelessly confused general public momentum.  The necessarily occult motivation for conflict is explicable within the offices of those who wish to generate mass distraction from economic and strategic insolvency of the current great socioeconomic paradigm, re-capitalizing a war cycle from latent subconscious blame easily assignable to the non-puritan mirror image of their counterparts in the East.  NBC is a primary media component of the predominant globalized social management meme, whose most recent phenomenon is - the vaccine obedience and morality story.  The analytics of the field do, however, afford us a reasonable extraction of valid information from such media by producing Intel and advise from the precise opposite of their assertions. 

 Re-ignition of the psychological substratum of the Cold War is truly an incredibly mundane approach, attractive to spiritually linear thinkers and their fields of cultivars, as we might reasonably expect from a body of existential materialists, who are driving this inaugural military conflict.  The remedy may be found in a novel non-linear approach to our civilization, in particular through the psychological chain reaction that is possible by the same process of redemption that has been abused in the past to produce paroxysms such as Hitler's rise.  The irony is that the same Mesmeric process can be applied in a positive way as well, as we saw to a significant extent with the active non-violent non-cooperation of Gandhi, only this time more powerfully.  It is well to also note that the Kissinger-Nixon discussions on using nuclear weapons to resolve the dangerously stale Vietnam War was preempted to a significant extent by the peace marches whose social effects were spreading rapidly through the Boomer generation, and which necessarily had to be suppressed with Tavistock methodologies, and not inflamed by conspicuous military escalation.  The current attempt to engineer a similar peace movement effect using Zelensky, et al, as focal points is inherently lame and logically compromised by collateral military escalation and open-ended commitment to war, flagrant rebuff to notions of negotiation, and with the consequence that the more complex truth and manipulation process becomes a social factor.  We are in a notable drought of genuine moral leaders, and the rise of one, or far better several, will have a dramatic effect - if fairness, not peace per se, becomes the central objective.  There remains, however, an unnerving uncertainty regarding the degree of passivation of the higher faculties of the public mind within the thickening sediment of deliberate dumbing down, to the extent that it may already be fatally foundered upon base impulses.   One must necessarily operate upon the presumption that this has not occurred, but not to the extent that one is anesthetized and castrated by comforting mirages of whipped escapism, and by the ultimate hazards of useful idiots and false redemptions.


15 March,2022

The Issue of The Pot Calling The Kettle Black

    Both the radical left and extreme [neocon] right, through their various sanctioned media, are bashing the hell out of Putin under a massive linguistic pogrom, and both are direct threats to our national security, as potentials for irreconcilable economic chaos and for nuclear confrontation.  It is not a matter of whether Putin is, or is not committing moral irregularities, or even if he is involved in restoring the Soviet in some capacity.  The West, and certainly the U.S. is no less guilty of the same suite of transgressions, including in particular, direct manipulations of Ukraine's internal affairs and public comprehension of actual events of the conflict.  A similar argument can naturally be implied regarding latent moves by China.  The distinguishing effect, irrespective of the ostensive threats to sovereign affairs, IS, however, the total financial broadsiding of Russia as a driving force to express outcomes in military terms, then painting those reactions in naked, contextually distorted propaganda, as unceremonious crimes against humanity.  There is no more perfect formula for war, except for the addition of a prodigious false flag.  A painfully similar course of events is unnervingly presaged in "The Day After" and even more precisely in "Sum of All Fears."  If an accident does not take us into Snap Count, a non-accident certainly can. 

   Armstrong's point has consistently been that the SWIFT system, whose head originally refused Obama's request to sanction Russia, has now granted it, and caused a monumental chain reaction of collapse of trust and stability of the entire Western banking and economic system.   As I have also previously pointed out, there is strong analytical evidence to suggest that the economic cooperation that developed over the last several decades is arguably the principal reason that world war has not already occurred.   The central issue is not whether Russia or China are genuinely justified in their regional involvements and economic alignments, but that the West has completely and unilaterally abused the single most important vehicle that sustains an orderly management of international affairs, plying it as if it were a hail Mary fait accompli against unambiguous atrocities.  This issue is especially critical when there are territorial or logistic disputes between major nations, as there indeed are, and to the extent that the act is a deliberate and broad provocation, whose resolution is equally broad and complex.   

   At this moment oil and gold have retreated from their initial war speculations, but this is definitely not a return to normal.  The global strategic theatre will play out in a longer timeframe, with the caveat of driving paroxysms [false flags] until there is a dramatic redemption in the form of a definitive world leader, or massive escalation.  Either way, a new set of unknowns enter the game.  Pay particular to Armstrong's code results for March 28, June 6 and September 12 temporal markers.  It will take some time for Russian and Chinese business leaders to align a new system, as well as to garner a number of new allies, for instance Saudi Arabia.  We are also entering a stronger timeframe in Skousen's analysis for Russian and Chinese military preparation, although there is an interesting consideration that the Great Reset meme is being executed in present urgency [driving Putin] in order to head off those military capacities.  Even under a miraculous prodigal reversal, it is difficult to imagine the current Western complex of finance and national relationships ever escaping massive and permanent damage to their positions in the world, and to the world itself.  The only resolution that can sustain their current oligarchy is a massively destructive event, from which their calculations and current execution of a global financial bifurcation might achieve ordo ab chao.  Even this latter outcome is indicated to fail by the SOCRATES code, but by the consequences of our already spent position, leaves us with no benign prognosis.  We can continue to define our future by following the stone carved instructions for our hatreds, or we can conceive an entirely new paradigm based upon our capacity to love and perhaps even forgive. 

   "......What is unfolding is that the arrogance of the Neocons and their personal hatred of Russia and China has run its course. They are now setting in motion the decline and fall of the West. A crisis is unfolding. This crisis of commodities that our computer has been forecasting for this wave 2020-2024, is actually helping to undermine the world economy and shifting even the use of the dollar internationally. Saudi Arabia has agreed to accept the Chinese Yuan in return for oil. That is the start of this shift and this too took place on this turning point. The seizure of private Russian assets was such a profound violation of international law, that international capital realizes that the SWIFT system is now political and no longer trustworthy. The very foundation of the G7 has been undermined by the seizure of Russia’s FX reserves."


12 March,2022

What a Way to Run a Ship

  It would be best to have a good, hard look at this article [1].  Although it can be said that there are legitimate concerns over the positioning of Russian and Chinese military assets in the Western Hemisphere, there is a long term complex of reality that places the whole matter in an entirely different perspective.  Whatever apparent investments are being made by these nations and their proxies in their own imperialism, the root of it starts with our own imperialism.  It is not, however, the American people, or the Canadians or Brits or even the Germans who want any part of this, or even understand the reality, but the secret societies at the top who have succeeded in subducting the entire Western world leadership, whose mindspeak and coercion penetrate all the way down to even small corporations that must go along to survive in this environment, into a Marxist agenda painted with blue and green false environmentalism.   The goal is controlled demolition of Western socioecoonomics in order to build back, ordo ab chao, in a truly Marxist ideology. The central locus of communism today is not in Moscow, but in Geneva, where every effort has been made to manipulate Russia into a corner it must fight from, and simultaneously brainwashing the Western public into a most ironic outcome.  Martin Armstrong has pointed out several times the statue and picture of Karl Marx in Klaus Schwab's office.

   Even Joel Skousen seems to be completely devoted to the traditional Western view of Russia, and is highly critical of alternative journalists who are apparently supportive of Putin.  I will not, however, argue that the Russians and Chinese are not a tremendous threat to the United States at this time, but I add the critical factor - the reasons for it.  These countries have been on the defensive for many decades, and arguably centuries, and now see the West falling upon its own sword, condemning the East for not bowing to the Great Reset.  What appears to be completely consistent with Skousen's analysis from 2010 is that Russia and China will be somehow induced to perform a strategic nuclear strike against Western military assets, and then there will be a United Nations remedy brought forth to vanquish the effort, and simultaneously neutralise the one remaining bastion of dissent against the New World Order - the American norms of independence.  Skousen's analysis also refers to an indeterminate reserve of space based weapons that will be brought to bear against the Russians and Chinese, but this remains vague.  We can also remember Von Braun's concerns over the weaponisation of space, via Carol Rosin's references to his statements in this regard in the 1970's.  We also have the Palo Alto work, etc. to consider, but this is also speculative.  Even so, the momentum of this discussion is in terms of military conflict, not peacemaking.  Again, I will proffer the concept - it is not peace that we should seek, but fairness and cooperation, and then peace will take care of itself.  Slavery is also peaceful, and so is the final aftermath of total war.  What has kept the world from war has been commerce and an imbalance of power.  These are now evaporating before our eyes.  China and Russia, and a fair number of others who are tired of the Old World Order are assembling their common interests, and very soon will have a new currency, provided that nuclear war does not intervene.  I have never before witnessed such a deluge of propaganda dressed as news and national priorities, designed to drive the other side of the world into a choice between being subdued or full nuclear commitment.  Putin made a hell of a lot more sense at Davos than the dribbling duplicities coming out of every Western leader.  Perhaps it is worth noting again from Armstrong's recent observations, that Kamala Harris, who has no international experience, was sent to a high level conference, and four days before Putin started his move, exclaimed that Ukraine should join NATO - a direct and inflammatory violation of the Budapest agreement, in which the third largest nuclear power at the time of its independence - Ukraine - agreed with the West and with Russia that, in exchange for its nuclear dismantlement, no invasion will come, and that no solicitations will be made to place it in NATO.  In the mean time Zelensky has persistently refused any sort of negotiation, and has actively suppressed Russian language in schools, including where the population is 98 percent Russian.  There are many other examples of this kind of problem.  No doubt, there are Russian misdeeds as well, but by all indications, the vast majority are misrepresented into opportunity for propaganda, and then the act becomes universal, as reason leaves the table.  

   It is interesting to also note Armstrong's comment regarding the globalists' view that we now have only [seven minus two] years left before something tantamount to the end of the world occurs - an electric Guidestone on the side of a building, placed there by.... let us guess.  This is interesting, because their academic projections for "climate change" are always decades or centuries out, not the middle of this decade.  Coincidentally.... Dane Wignington's extinction level event measurements, most notably the ultraviolet-ozone issue, are becoming definitively a two to three year timeframe for ecological insolvency, but no one else talks abut this. We just have their stupid psyop clock on the side of a building, with no more explanation or accountability than the stones in Georgia.  Also, none of these academics talks about the the jet aerosol particulates choking our atmosphere that generate weaponised drought for global programming, and actually create the famine diasporas that we call European multiculturalism and immigrants from the South, except to pretend that the process is only now a proposal.  These aerosols are actually a principal cause of the ultraviolet catastrophe. 

   Screw up the entire Western economy with a falsie virus and fake remedy and then find a way to blame it on Putin, divide societies over superfluous political cosmetics, fan every opportunity for dissension and vehicle for social isolation  - and then take every measure to inflame the Eastern half of the planet - then pass blame for the collapse on Mother Nature and whoever disagrees with the Great False Green Reset.  It is bad enough that they unceremoniously pull the plug on our economies without a patently practicable solution, but then to invite war, nuclear war, with a slap.....and then pretend that they can manage that situation into an improvement?  What a way to run a ship.


11 March,2022

FYI - discussion

   I noticed this article on the Yahoo news [biased, of course, but there is news] [1].  This bioweapons lab issue in Ukraine is not trivial.  I also regard the covid meme and Western pressure to force Putin's hand in Ukraine as intimately linked.  Russia and China have not been cooperative with the Great Reset agenda.  Armstrong has made numerous points that Ukraine conflict is generated from economic manipulations and strategies, not military.  I tend to agree.  

   That Russia and China are fundamentally hostile to our interests is another matter, but they share a common enemy with us - our so-called leaders of the West have been purchased by a Marxist academic agenda that intends to break down the existing economic structure to then reestablish order ab chao in their own vision.  In one sense, in Stallin's words, "He who is the enemy of my enemy is my friend," is, in another sense, a dangerous game that we should not be in, or have to be in.  

   I also noticed Skousen's last headline posting, lambasting those who are "supportive" of Putin [2].  I think that Skousen's position needs further analysis, either in the perspective that we are missing something, or else that there may be a bias, in particular a limitation, in Skousen's thinking.  I believe that the linear, monolithic, polarized view that Russia is our enemy is incorrect, but that Russia, or more precisely the Russian people, are both our friend and enemy, and that the solutions to the dilemma are equally complex.  What I view as a common denominator is that the peoples of the nations, despite their true needs and priorities, are being manipulated by their governments and oligarchs into a third world war.  Such calculations have never worked well, and notably Armstrong's codes indicate that Schwab's Reset will fail.  Imagine, for a moment, a world brought into chaos and war, followed by socioeconomic failure of the new system.  The codes also indicate China as the new center of power, which logically will only have to pick up the pieces of all this stupidity. 

   Of course, no one [but Wigington, and little ole me] is talking about the giant in the room - SRM induced extinction level events, except that Armstrong seems to have no knowledge of them, as he regards the environmental equation as only a misunderstanding of short range data and financial manipulations based on them.  The Nibiru discussions, for instance, are based on the Velikowski thesis, with general merit of its own, but is is longer range, as is the Maunder Minimum thesis, most likely planted as agency obfuscations to hide the more imminent anthropogenic thermal and ultraviolet catastrophes that will raise the oceans and produce mass carnage. This needs to be discussed.  Few understand these matters, and there are many unresolved questions. 

   All of these miscalculations will become quite lethal soon, and ten dollar gasoline will be the least of our worries.  As Armstrong also states in the context of our chief dilemma, - there are no peacemakers this time - and this is certainly evident and alarming.  There is also no body of expertise, integrity and restraint that was, for instance, present with the Cuban missile crisis.  All is fragmented and adrift in a sea of duplicity, conflict of interest, and technical incompetence. Once nuclear explosives are ultimately used in this situation, or something more subtle but actually worse is employed, and the suffering is brought to a global scale, the concept of mass redemption will raise its head again, but not just for Germany.  The concept of the antichrist is not so far-fetched, and all of the things that come with it.  But is there an alternative?  There must be a meeting of minds somewhere, and soon.  At least Kennedy and Khrushchev understood the consequences of their failures.  I do not believe that the present leaders have the integrity to conceive of anything beyond their own personal ambitions - this supernatant body of our order, and the so-called new one in waiting,  is what has been distilled by the global industrialists to pretend to lead our world.  Look at the obvious, smarmy little protege called Trudeau, for instance.  That phenomenon is our chief problem, which we must, in fact, replace, en masse, as soon as possible, in fact, sooner.  Complacency is our principal enemy, not the other peoples.  Politicians are good at two things - making people hate each other, and stealing.  We need different talents now, and it is ironic that "it is the politicians, NOT the military, who are the warhawks this time" [Armstrong].  As I said in 2020, there urgently needs to be a conference of expertise in the alternative community to establish peer review discipline and a coherent understanding and strategy - and not the usual prepper carnival for water filter sales and back-patting.  We need to sort out our real differences in understanding, not for the sake of agreeing, but because the actual, technical truth is a real commodity now.   It is not peace that we should seek - leave that for the Chamberlains of the world - we must accomplish fairness.  Only then will peace make sense or last.  The words "give me liberty or give me death" are equivalent to the concept that peace, per se, is only the consequence of greater priorities.  The alternative is to take cover - and quickly.



I am amazed and saddened at the amount of bad analysis coming out of political commentators on the Right defending Putin’s invasion of Ukraine as if it were all the globalist’s fault for taking advantage of Ukraine’s historic levels of corruption to interfere with Putin’s claimed interest in protecting the Russian people in Eastern Ukraine. When globalist George Soros and the mainstream media came out this week in support of Ukraine, many called this “proof” that Ukraine must be a globalist operation and that Putin must be helping the anti-globalist cause by invading. Conservative Arizona state Senator Wendy Rogers even claimed in a recent speech that Zelensky was a "globalist puppet" for George Soros and the Clintons, and calling for “communist” legislators supporting these traitorous policies to be publicly hanged, which got her censured by her Senate colleagues. She, along with many other patriotic conservatives who see communists within BLM and Antifa supported by Soros and the mainstream media, make the mistake of thinking they are all a bunch of communists. They fail to realize that most of the worst politicians are not communists but globalists who are using communists to break down America so they can come in with their more deceptive form of socialism as a “solution.” Their false solution will be to still talk up freedom and rights, but push for overwhelming regulations in what is called Fabian socialism—“You own it, but we control it.”

11 March,2022

FYI updates

   This is indeed possible [1], and translates to 8 dollar+ gas.  Of course, Armstrong said in yesterday's interview with Greg Hunter, that his models are showing gasoline peaking between eight and ten dollars, although no precise timeframe was given.  If the current intransigence continues to escalate, however, the timeframe won't be very long at all.  Inflation is set to exceed twenty five percent through 2024.  These changes are likely enough to produce large and permanent sociological shifts. 

   There is an obvious agenda to strangulate the entire world economy to produce the chaos necessary to "Reset" - as we have known and discussed for quite some time.  Here it is. 
Many argue that we must go back to the pipelines and get back on the track we were on.  This is predicated upon the assumption that the world industrial and economic basis was solvent in the first place - which it was not.  The ecological equation is now an imminent threat that will break our civilization over the course of the next several years, regardless of how much we succeed in achieving socioeconomic homeostasis. The real issue is that the transition to ecological solvency has been totally removed from the discussion, as the "Great Green Reset" is clamped down upon the world, completely without any viable alternative.  These oligarchs talk about electric cars and green technologies, telling us that we must be out of gasoline vehicles in just a few short years, yet we already have a lithium shortage, not to mention many other shortages - and all the while the economy that is needed to produce the transition is being severely crippled.  Of course, they can now blame war, and have a media that does nothing but pass the blame to Putin.  The quiet solution not spoken of except in cute little inscriptions on stones, and smarmy innuendos at the economic conferences is population reduction.  Exactly how that is to be achieved, let alone why, is not discussed openly.   

   As Armstrong has pointed out a number of times recently - there has never been such a panorama of total stupidity among leaders in this world as there is today.  How in God's name can we solve these complex and urgent problems if we cannot even....... simply take ivermectin and instantly obviate a little virus and all of the odious pretexts for a vaccine that is far worse than useless, except as a culling process for peoples regarded, at best, as livestock? 

   The greater portion of the war is not in Ukraine, but driven and focused there as yet another disgusting pretext for financial manipulation and engineered disheveling of the world.  I believe that Putin's recent peace offering is as sincere as the terms presented are consistent with the original agreement at Budapest, and egregiously violated by the West, and their "Z" puppet.  The people of Ukraine, torn by this sinister battle, will soon not be the only ones thrown into the streets of a brutal reality, orchestrated by the same Old World Order calling itself New. The arrogance of it all will, in just several years now, bring judgement from the uncompromising laws of nature, that does not favor anything but physical truth.  It is a pity that we are not blessed with true leaders of humanity who are not only honest, but competent in the complex mechanics of our current extinction level event now underway, to unify the peoples to deal harmoniously with that reality.  We see all of the discussion about wheat prices and Ukraine's production.  The dirty little secret is that within about three years, the ultraviolet spectrum, hardened by the misdirected techno solutions of the geoengineering programs, will reduce outdoor crop production capacity to a fraction of its current level.  Even Nostradamus saw this - "....the price of a bushel of wheat shall rise so high that man will become a man-eater."  

   So.... why do we continue to put up with these so-called leaders of the West, who read from so obvious and despicable a playbook, dwarfing even the questionable transgressions of inhumanity in Russia and China?


10 March,2022

An Article of Note

   Note just how arbitrary, insidious and universal the technomedia complex has become [1].  This is our primary enemy now, as it acts from within our society, far more dangerous than foreign empire ambitions.  It not only redefines morality in terms of existential agendas, but renders the general population as an untermenschen that must be dealt with as the enemy of the state order.  We do have specific precedents for this.


10 March,2022

Electric Planes

   One has to wonder where the primary energy will come from for this [1].  Even if they try to go nuclear, and never mind the ultimate issues, it takes nearly a decade to build them.  Then, just how much lithium do we think we can reasonably draw from the earth?  These planes are being developed in Europe, where they have a critical energy problem, and meanwhile, the U.S. stops the oil pipelines without anything to replace them.  Nothing adds up, and these people are supposed to be experts and leaders of our society and technology.    Of course, the 2026 target will be concerned with a whole new set of problems.  The big planners just don't have any idea what is starting to go down. 


6 March,2022

Incompetence or Deliberate Suicide?

   Let us have a look at some recent discussions regarding global policies.   From The Greenwich Times [1], author David J. Lynch from The Washington Post stated,

"Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the financial reckoning imposed on Moscow in response are proof that the triumphant globalization campaign that began more than 30 years ago has reached a dead end."

and also,

"......It's the end of one era and the beginning of another, which is a less complete form of globalization than we had ambitions for in the immediate post-Cold War era," said Michael Smart, managing director of Rock Creek Global Advisors. "We have to think differently about what we mean by the global trading system. There are certain requirements that, if you don't meet them, you're not part of it. You can't be in the club."

Lynch's view proffers the idea that a new, malignant economic fault line has developed between prior Cold War divisions.  This is also arguably consistent with the concept that rising business relationships between the First World powers and the former Communist Bloc have been a major factor in the prevention of war.  Accumulation of economic pressures on the Soviet economy led to its breakup, but there was accommodation of Russia into global commerce that stabilised the new situation, both from the Kremlin's standpoint and the powerful businesses in Russia that quietly influence it. During the 1983 Able Archer NATO nuclear scenario drills, a truly incredible level of misunderstanding between Russia and the West became evident.  Differences between the intelligence agencies, and more importantly, between the mentalities of the leadership, resurrected the chronic issue that Russia has never been considered an equal partner.  Nuclear weapons development changed this reality, but not the attitude nor the West's abandonment of self restraint.  Reagan's sojourn with Gorbachev heralded a new attitude, but behind the curtain the ultimate plans were not at all consistent with appearances - the the point that Reagan became disillusioned and objected.  He then took his bullet.  It is reasonable to say that Putin's decisions cannot be made in a vacuum any more than the American President, and it is ultimately commerce, closely related to all meaningful definitions of national security, that are the foundations of peace not based upon subjugation - either economic extortion or war.    Relating to Lynch's comments, we can see a parallel in recent Western policy toward Russia - a paroxysm of generalised political autocracy, and a New Order of unconscionable medical precepts, applied to the covid/vaccine meme.  And if I may state once again - 'the handling of the covid situation has far exceeded any definition of incompetence.' 

Per Armstrong this morning [2],

"......Despite Blinken’s absurd statement that he thinks Ukraine can defeat Russia without any sense of such repercussions, this statement appears to be using Ukrainians as pawns in an intended war against Russia that will only bring in China and the rest of their alliance. Belarus is already looking to add back nuclear weapons because proposing Ukraine joins NATO is tearing up the Budapest Agreement putting in jeopardy their security. Ukraine cannot defeat Russia – let’s make this very clear and Blinken’s statement appears to be a provocation for war. This is a losing battle that will turn nuclear if Russia were really to lose. It appears that this may be more about Climate Change and the agenda from the WEF that to conquer the world with Schwab’s economic theories, there were three obstacles – (1) Trump, (2) Russia, and (3) China. Trump was removed and some fear this is an attempt to overthrow Putin and then they will turn on China."

Armstrong once again [3],

".....The West is committing financial suicide. This spills over into corporations making long-term decisions based upon the demonization of Putin, ignoring even the fact that Kamala Harris publically told Ukraine to join NATO and violated the neutrality of Ukraine agreed to in the 1991 Budapest Agreement. We are witnessing the decline and fall of the world economy as we have known it. Those who have hated the dollar, always calling for its crash, will see a future where even cryptocurrencies will not survive. The false belief that somehow crypto will bypass the central banks and end fiat is such a joke. Ukraine’s power plant, the largest nuclear plant in all of Europe, has been captured and is on fire. Crypto is worthless without a power grid."

 It also bears repeating what I recently stated on Feb 25th,

'......The principal enemy of the people, East and West, is not Putin, but the complex of oligarchs who want the Great Reset and have committed institutional genocide, and to borrow the term, "mentacide," within their own countries.  Just as the Great  Reset meme is a colossal failure, so is the result of any economic sanction under its flag.  The situation is extremely dangerous. 

And on Feb 27th,

'........   An interesting comment in Greg Hunter's column on the Ukraine situation [4] includes a reference to a lecture by John J. Mearsheimer [5], in which the point is made that Ukraine has been caught between Western and Russian agendas, in particular that the West mislead Ukraine into a false sense of support that in turn hardened Ukraine's resolve to defy Putin.  Meanwhile, NATO has consistently pressured Putin into a defensive position, refusing meaningful negotiation.  The West has been driving Putin into a choice between submission to Western economic objectives or else military action in Ukraine.  This is not related to the difference in socioeconomic philosophies between East and West, but is more a culmination of the economic war that forced dissolution of the Soviet Union, and then translated into the more recent objectives of the Great Reset global paradigm.  That paradigm is not only forcing its will on Russia and China, but has become the primary adversary of Western democracy through the covid meme.  The vaccination paradigm is a direct analogue of Western policy regarding Ukraine, and both are doomed [6].'

And notably on Feb 12th,

'........It is self-evident that current planetary socioeconomics is unsustainable in every respect.  Interestingly, an ostensibly identical meme is stated in the halls in Geneva, echoed under specious arguments of false environmentalism and reheated ideals of socialism of Klaus Schwab's "Green Reset."  It is for this that the covid meme was engineered, to produce population conformity to the more draconian social engineering to come.  No other meme or hyper-extrapolation of medical incompetence can explain it, except, in addition, as a treacherous application of Stanley Milgram's paradigm [7], taken from A. Eichmann's work.  We can also look to G. Orwell for insight on this phenomenon.'

   The industrialists of the West are performing a controlled demolition of the global economy, attempting to reign in the old Cold War bloc.  It is not working, and neither is the concept that all can then be "Built Back Better" under a "Great Green Reset."  The remedy has devolved to direct military conflict induced by economic fait accompli, with consideration [Skousen] that even this has been anticipated, and that a Sino-Russian preemptive attack on America may be induced to subdue the most refractory culprit - the human rights and decentralised independence cherished by the American populace, or at least that great portion which remains resolute to such principles.  This destructive meme is technocratic arrogance and self-delusion at a level that is difficult to distinguish from the ambitions of Adolf Hitler, and, in terms of the leaders and complicit institutions, may demand a similar resolution, applied in multiplicity.  It is doubly ironic that Putin has recently been painted with the little mustache by Western press, which is perhaps the most inflammatory and ironic  insult one could possibly make to a Russian.  But then again, this sort of propaganda is clinically anticipated, and will, as it is evidently intended, wake the dogs of war.  The half truth begins with the understanding that Putin is KGB and not Albert Schweitzer, and that Russia will operate in its own interests, and in accordance with the brutal norms of historical conflicts in human affairs.  Information that Russia [and China] have established clandestine military assets and military-industrial espionage in the West, in particular the U.S., is consistent with that reality, as well as the now fully vetted view that they are not considered partners in the planetary decision-making in Geneva and elsewhere.  It is also unsavory to consider that it is our own politicians who have betrayed us in the most egregious way, dealing with these foreign interests for their personal profit, and directly compromising the interests of the American people.  This meets the definition of enemy-domestic, in fact, more precisely.... treason.... and it is also ironic that these same political operatives, pandering to our childish compulsions as so-called leaders, have engineered edicts, agencies and policies to label those who object to these developments as the domestic threats. Then again, we only have to turn to the likes of Justin Trudeau, a vetted globalist, to see evidence of the generality of the problem -and the real threat to the peoples - in North America. The entire covid/vaccine meme is a carefully planned entree for the controlled economic demolition necessary to establish the New Order.  Notably, Armstrong's code results for political chaos in 2022-23 are not to be taken lightly, nor his many publications indicating severe consequences of our current course.
   A common vehicle of social engineering wordcrafting that artificially and powerfully produces the effect of censure is the term "conspiracy theory/theorist."  We have, however, now entered an era in which absolute insolvency of generalised policies paralleled in global strategic and medical memes has become so flagrant and unambiguous that the only remaining criterion is the distinction between hyperbolic incompetence and a level of fulminate extortion of every sovereign and major institution, and that therefore meets the true, pluperfect definition of conspiracy.  One must ask at this point whether epidemic of incompetence, contagious subconscious complicity with compromised ethics, and Mesmeric redemptions that produce mass genocide, are expressions of the same root phenomenon.    Either way, the situation is unacceptable in terms of common sense and the long established morays of human conduct.... as is the current state of virtually every government and sanctioned institution on this planet.  The remedy would therefore suggest divine intervention, but then again we would be faced with the ambiguities of two distinct forms of redemption before a confused, desperate people, to decide which is in the demeanor of a Christ-consciousness as opposed to its anti-consciousness.  And these days, it is hard to hear the small, still voice behind the the thunder of institutionalized duplicities.   

   Behind all of this Machiavellian work is the nagging consideration that the arrogance of this Brave New World, whose preeminent religion is becoming existential materialism, is, in terms of spirit and consciousness, a definitively a closed set, and therefore by definition, dead.  Those who, behind their marble columns, believe themselves the saviors of the world, are simply an explosive sequel of world-consuming megalomaniacs, whose memes are fatal - another irony.  Their policies, in particular the asinine institutionalised consensus of superficial environmental obfuscations, and their highly classified analogues in weaponized programmes - with dire consequences of accumulating failures - underlie all justifications and specious equivocations for the current geopolitical jibes.  They are also, by definition and common precedent, suicidal.   How then, are the peoples of this world to break such patterns among this litany of false kings?  Something truly new must soon arise from within the heart of man, a psychic chain reaction to supersede the neutron chain reaction, else we will never know the distinction between fate and destiny.     






The best analytical evidence of this perspective are the consistent results from Martin Armstrong's SOCRATES socioeconomic code, indicating a shift of global power from the West to China and its partners, in the timeframe of 2032.

4 March,2022

The Catbirds of Mephistopheles

 [1]  His paywall article title is self explanatory, PRIVATE BLOG – Coming War Maybe Intentional & Markets

[2]  The discussion regarding the Bayer executive's comments are quite damning -

    "......“Two years ago, 95% of the people would have refused to take the gene therapy. But COVID made it possible.” The Bayer executive smugly stated."

I find it to be no coincidence that the morbidity and mortality statistics of the vaccine and the actual bioweapon are of similar magnitude - as it is essentially the spike protein interaction that is common to both and which develops the inflammatory response that is so damaging.  Never mind, for the moment that HIV gene segments were found in the spike protein structure, ***in early 2020***, and which is certainly consistent with the ultimate 'immune disregulation" phase of the covid infection.  In addition to the concerns regarding the long term unknowns with the vaccine are a similar panel of latent pathology associated with the virus itself.  Just because an infection might be mild or silent is no guarantee that a syndrome will not develop later, in a similar pattern characteristic of, for instance, Epstein Barre or Chicken Pox.  Immune disregulation, especially with open-ended unknowns of a biological weapon, is also arguably more serious consideration as well.

   Basis of action has not changed one iota from the appraisal in December of 2020.  I recall, for instance, recently hearing that India's health minister was removed because he was finally called out peddling the global theme of inhibiting Ivermectin use, all the while Covid was being wiped out in the provinces where it was being used aggressively.  We need to insist upon wide production and use of the FLCCC and equivalent protocols, and come to the factual, civilization-saving consensus that we are indeed witnessing a grand mal global level conspiracy - and there is not a more precise and accurate term to describe it - whose principal defense has been the debasement of the means to immediately arrest the pathogen itself, and the character assassination of any and all who will deviate from the technical competence and integrity to refuse every brand of bribe and coercion hurled at them by the greatest ruse in human history.

   I agree with Armstrong that the Covid meme and the steering of Russia [and China] into war are integral parts of a central strategy, whose objectives are clearly inconsistent with every unselfish act and consideration made in behalf of the betterment of mankind.  Russia and China have prudently resisted the patently delusional Great Green Reset, now being pressed to defend themselves.   Meanwhile in America, we now find catbirds rampant in the nests of her institutions, calling out screeches of ultimate irony - naming all who protest the unwholesome substitution as the confederates, and preparing sanitary procedures to inaugurate the new bath and inhalation rooms of the twenty first century.  The natural peoples of the West and of Russia-China, smashed against each other by a mammoth infection of yellow journalism and Caligulan insanity, have, in reality, a common enemy -  the transhumanizing, dehumanizing existential materialists in ivory towers who have rendered the population as de facto livestock, painting resisting nations and people as the aggressors, when, in point of fact, the meme is as bitterly ironic as our catbirds, peddling lies and double crosses so outrageous that pause is required to believe it possible.  If the Western so-called leaders do not awaken from their appointment with Mephistopheles, then if I were Putin and Xi, I would prepare in every practical way for the real possibility of a thermonuclear war, and then, making the best of the situation, turn the life force of their peoples and all who have ears and are still cognitively human, to building an entirely new socioeconomic system, and that is neither Roman nor "common among friends."  It turns out that the SOCRATES model indicates exactly this sort of phenomenon post 2032 - if planetary factors do not catastrophically intervene.  The alternative is a prompt-critical uprising among the still living in the West to reassert the principles of their organic bills of human dignity, love and freedom, and finally vanquish those who call good evil and evil good.    



4 March,2022

Strike on the Zaporizhzhia nuclear station in Ukraine, and additional considerations -

  Evidently a reactor at the the Zaporizhzhia nuclear station in Ukraine has been hit and  is burning [1]. The one piece of good news is that the reactor was in shutdown at the time.  However, the outcome depends strongly upon how long it has been shut down.  The ultimate potential for major disaster is likely significantly less than Chernobyl, but if the reactor fails to have RCS cooling flow, the fuel will heat up in accordance with the remaining natural convection and the power density of the decay heat due to recent power operation, yielding a wide variation in prognosis.  What is not clear from the article is that the "reactor" has been hit, but this is ambiguous.  The reactor system includes not only the reactor vessel, but the entire coolant plumbing and also the capacity to remove heat from it, and various control and auxiliary systems, including emergency electrical supply for the coolant pumps [a major factor in the Fukushima situation].  If the reactor vessel is hit, then a meltdown is a direct concern due to blockage of the coolant channels in the fuel assemblies.  If the RCS or, for instance, the condenser are hit, then the normal ability to remove heat from the the core is the concern.  If the latter, then the core can be cooled to some degree with high pressure injection from the borated water storage tanks, or possibly regular water if the control rods are all in [which they should be in this case].  The scenario goes in that general line of thinking, and clearly the exact status of the reactor system is urgent.  An observed release of radiation can easily be due to breach of the RCS due to normal operating contamination levels of the coolant, and is far less than if the core fuel assemblies have been damaged [broken and displaced fuel rods].  If the latter is true, and in addition, the reactor has been shut down for an extended time, then the potential and severity for meltdown is considerably reduced, but may be a complicated calculation.

   The Zaporizhzhia reactors are the "PWR" type, each typical of the size of the U.S. Westinghouse 1000 MW reactors, and modestly larger than the Three Mile Island Babcock and Wilcox PWR reactors.  The publicized size of Zaporizhzhia is due to the fact it has six reactors in one plant, not the size of the reactors.  This type of reactor is quite different from Chernobyl, a very large BWR [boiling water reactor] designed from the plutonium graphite breeder reactors for weapons production, and which are large enough to easily go critical in a small portion of the core.  The Chernobyl design also, notably, has a property called a positive void fraction coefficient, which in simple terms means that where boiling occurs, the hydrogen density in the water dramatically falls, and in this particular reactor, increases reactivity of the core.  The consequence of this property is that where a power excursion may cause sudden boiling of the coolant, it will feed back upon itself to further increase reactivity, leading towards an explosion - which aggravated the situation in the Chernobyl explosion.  This is fortunately not the property of the PWR light water reactor designs, but both types of reactors will not respond favorably to loss in coolant flow in the core.  This loss is not a matter of reactivity, but of an issue in removing heat to prevent melting of the fuel, further blocking coolant flow as part of a destructive feedback over the course of a number of hours.  A long preceding shutdown condition will, however, be amenable to introduction of both ordinary and novel means to establish convective heat removal, and ultimately resembles heat removal from the spent fuel pool, minus the  benefit of the storage rack separation of assemblies. 

   A reactor disabled from an extended run at or approaching full power, and unable to restore coolant flow and heat removal avenues, will produce at the very least a meltdown.  Another serious concern in the U.S. and elsewhere is the scenario in which a long term grid failure suddenly occurs, for example under EMP attack in a war scenario, where the entire infrastructure for maintaining the emergency diesel generators [and their fuel supplies] is essentially permanently incapacitated, the equation at every nuclear plant will become the matter of performing a refueling outage for any reactor recently at power, and arguably any reactor whose fuel has not already been offloaded into the spent fuel pool.  I do not know if this extreme scenario is in the emergency playbooks, but at least in the mid 1980's, I do not believe that it was - there is a tacit assumption that grid power and diesel supplies can be brought to bear for individual emergencies, but whether enough diesel [and personnel, and refueling outage resources] for every reactor in the country simultaneously is a developed plan, I do not know.  For some time it seems to have been appropriate to consider this general situation, and especially now, given the possibility of entering nuclear warfare.  A direct nuclear strike on a reactor is, of course, an untenable disaster, as well as various other scenarios with the aforementioned concerns.


2 March,2022

Greg Hunter interviews the analyst Dr. Charles Nenner, discussing world and economic events [1]

  Nenner's cyclic analysis indicates several peaks and falls over this year and beyond, with the prospect of ultimately severe downturn on markets and war casualties that will be unprecedented.  An interesting point is made that the Ukraine situation is not indicated to immediately result in nuclear conflict, but that the agglomeration of the eastern common interests will bring China into a more dangerous threat, and also an issue with Muslim nations becoming a threat to Russia.  The West fairs poorly because it is "fiddling while Rome is burning," with no definitive leadership ringing priorities to address reality. 

   Nenner is generally nonspecific on dates associated with major war turnings, but does see oil and gold rise steadily starting this summer.  I would point out that Armstrong's codes do indicate temporal specifics, but it is clear, both with Armstrong and Nenner, that there is a significant uncertainty associated with the persistence of Western policy regarding cornering Putin to the point that he must act decisively for self-preservation.  This ties in with the fact that Russia is surrounded by enemies and has a long tradition of serious losses due to this fact.  Nenner points out that "no one is talking about the parallels between the Cuban crisis and Ukraine," although Armstrong does discuss this, and I'm sure that Nenner has not seen my postings in this significant regard. 

   The prospect of actual nuclear conflict seems remote from the deceptive normalcy bias perspective, but the economic models also do not indicate a major transient from it, at least in the immediate time frame.  This suggests that the Ukraine operation is the onset of a protracted war cycle that will, on the other hand, lead to a major war consequence that is arguably nuclear.  I believe that there are two factors that could violate these analyses - first, there is a fundamental perturbation factor due to the extreme failure in leadership in the West that could result in a serious provocation of Russia, and indirectly China, within the year that could override the wave analysis as a discontinuity.  Secondly, and in my view more importantly, the geophysical data is becoming refractory for the progressive loss of ecological solvency, already underway and progressing to a critical point within approximately the next three years.  The principal immediate consequence is loss of food supply that will put traditional pressure on any war cycle, and is exacerbated by the resolute stupidity of the current Western mindset.  Russia and China are not so stupid, and also employ much longer term strategies not based on next quarter's stock report.  Economic analysts rarely address such boundary conditions since they are antithetical to the wave model concept and fewer yet have any understanding of the onset of the governing geophysical factors, especially since they are heavily obfuscated by a supranational cooperative - this latter player is also seldom addressed, and as Wigington often points out, even East and West are in close cooperation regarding geo-engineering programs, despite any geopolitical issues.  This is in one sense, perplexing, but leads to the conclusion that there is a common understanding of a monumentally serious situation on a planetary level that trumps even the genesis of war. 

   The prospect of nuclear war, however, is so consequential that it exceeds such a segregated definition of world affairs, which leads us once again in these discussions to the concept that a limited nuclear conflict is actually prescribed as a critical solution to the ecological crisis.  There is a certain irony that creating a nuclear winter effect is the solution to the developing catastrophic failures of putting aerosols and dust into the atmosphere in the first place, but it is the magnitude and time derivatives that qualitatively distinguish the phenomenon.  The nuclear winter effect creates a heavy cloud layer that both arrests the ultraviolet-ozone failure equation as well as forming a definitive shift in the strange attractor [bifurcation of the second order differential equations that govern planetary heat and moisture balance] related to planetary thermal runaway feedback mechanisms.  Such a calculation presumes that the cloud layer can be induced for a time frame long enough to reset planetary heat mechanisms, but not so long as to produce total extinction of life, to the point that mankind is extinguished.   Wigington's approach has been to press for immediate cessation of the geo-engineering and weaponization weather programs to face the transients, however severe they will be.  In my field of understanding, I realized that there are alternatives, albeit not preferable in my view, but comprehensible in terms of the thinking of global technocrats, that are likely to be employed.  The same philosophies that have weaponized weather and driven the primary effects, in addition to progressive damage from industrialization, that have destabilized planetary thermal hydraulics, will share the same school of thought for solutions.  The final solutions, whether employed as a nuclear winter effect, or relegated to a natural relaxation that is likely now beyond a point of no return for any graceful reestablishment of planetary equilibrium, are not at all consistent with socioeconomic wave models, as their Fourier transforms become asymptotic to a new, unanticipated boundary condition.  Only the intuitive analyses, for instance linguistic translation analysis [Clif High, and agency models], have the capability to predict such nonlinear events from the effects of collective clairvoyance, but are, at their current stage of capability, very inexact in their practice.  Even with the speculative approaches in their best form, there is a duality between fate and destiny, in which uncertainty attends the effects of free will, as well as any considerations related to divine intervention.  A more grounded approach is to recognize that common sense, at the very least, must return to Western mentality and certainly policy, or else the Second World will become the First, and most likely concurrent with a huge loss of life, and likely rendered academic by an extinction level event due to one miscalculation or another.  At the moment, miscalculation is the predominant characteristic, which leads us once again to the prospect that the planet will do a better job if left to its devices.  Either way, the landing will be very rough.
