In his communication to the fellow in Mexico, Armstrong pulls no punches in his assessment of Trump's tariff approach [1]. In particular:
"As the dollar rises, these emerging markets will suffer major currency losses on top of an economic depression, which will only come back to haunt the world economy, including the USA. Whoever Trump is listening to has clearly no international experience or expertise in this field."
This further emphasizes the issue of poor appointments following the likes of Gorka, Waltz and Kellogg, who have seriously compromised Trump's trajectory into the present foreign policy crisis. We can appreciate some appointments such as RFK, and rhetoric indicating positive momentum regarding certain policies, but there are concerns where repetition of old patterns and the sheer size of the opposing forces are involved.
There is a need for new philosophical approach to our future that breaks free of prior dogmas and conventions of domination through financial coercion and military-driven manifest destiny. The combination of a world exhausted from a hegemony of commercial extortion, and now preparing to be driven into a sequel of depression brought on by the same party, will arguably experience a state change of its socioeconomic structure - and is perfectly times with the code indications of a shift of power to the East. Resurrecting the notion of a prior American role will NOT produce the same state of affairs that occurred post WWII, except that a new Cold War will likely occur, but with America and Europe on the side of an archaic anachronism of decline. I don't believe, sparing possibly RFK, that Trump or his staff comprehends this.
Even in the venue of spiritual mechanics, we see a prosaic regurgitation of Judaeo-Christian uniform commercial law overburden that does not hear the ironic crunching of bones beneath its feet. Christianity is founded upon a man who cast the unabridged principles of God against the hypocrites of his own religion, and then chastised the money-changers who were implicitly sanctioned by them. So also was Socrates handed the hemlock when he criticized the powers of Athens, who had become too proud of themselves, testing their divine invincibility against Sparta. Now we have a society reasserting claim to divine providence, but paving its Viae Romanae of Neuvo-Caligulan corruption with stale platitudes that have been quietly purchased with neoconservative silver.
Of course, all is relative - we narrowly missed the consummation of modern Nero, with no chance to at least argue the matter of the king's clothes. But do we, as a society on the whole, have left enough cognitive critical mass to refuse the cake and again raise the guillotine?
In December 2020 the issues with efficacy of Remdesivir were mixed with the ambiguities propagated on HCQ, in particular that these therapies were being improperly applied. Martensen discussed at length the severe misapplications of HCQ therapy and the incredibly inadequate journal reporting, causing extreme confusion in the medical profession, not to mention the public. Evidently quite intentional. In the memo I wrote [below, see attachment], the ambiguities with HCQ, which generally were associated with use after the viremia stage [noting the EVMS charts indicating HCQ efficacy only up to about 11-14 days] and sometimes at doses approaching the LD-50 in heroic hospital cases on late stage patients whose prognosis was very poor, the poor performance of Remdesivir was masked among these ambiguities, only to discover in subsequent months that its fatality and complication rate is huge.
All of this is, of course, very old information now, akin to prohibiting lead in gasoline. Those who were, or continue to be, unfortunate or stupid enough to blindly follow government guidelines have at their disposal the use of FLCCC protocols to mitigate effects, or else be selected against by natural law. The altcon media might best evolve from linear sequelae of yesterday's news to a proactive technical discourse for a new medical system, realizing that we have five years now behind us on an educational foundation of these matters.
The selection of RFK certainly is a step in the right direction, and we shall see how this all washes out as attempts at covid-2.0 are made. In reality, the public has emerged into a refractory attitude against that medical rendition, and it will require the more severe Lockstep approach, a 30 percent fatality rate, to gain any further control under such philosophy of social engineering. One alternative possibility is the advent of a radiological diversion, which could be extremely effective in coercive psychological terms [eg martial law] but quick to resolve in practical logistics. We really do not know with sufficient detail what the neocon complex is yet willing and able to do. Both Covid and the CIA-Ukraine playbook methods have visibly failed, leaving concern for a neocon-Euro-American Samson option that could still involve a biological weapon on the order of smallpox.
I have made the point before that, besides becoming insufferably boring, there is a danger in endlessly rehashing the vax mantra in the lay public arena without moving on to active discussions on decisive solutions and opportunities and threats that would render Covid vax discussion on the level of Captain Obvious episodes. Naturally, there are nuances that can continue on technical and proprietary levels, and media repetition may have merit where a shift toward senility is a characteristic of the particular audience, such as with the ageing conservatives whose psychology has a rigid baseline with trust in government, or where linguistic programming has a particular objective.
One has to wonder the haunting question of how much a literal tinderbox our society is now[1], and how little is required to disrupt it entirely. However beneficial the election results may have been, we are still a country divided nearly evenly between hostile extremes and fanned by socio-political intransigence, defining massive cultural fault lines, and the potential for kinetic class warfare. Meanwhile, the controversy continues on geophysical realities, with unusual wind patterns that caused the fire [3], and no mediating school of thought for claims that range from implications of catastrophic global warming [2], [3], to the traditionalist entourage of claims that CO2 is good for the planet. Neither camp understands the true expectation values of reality, or offers a route to do so - yet another division. One way or another, reality is breaching the parapets of comfortable illusions.
THIS, [1], is a very significant statement of prognosis by Armstrong, indicating disappointment. As I have been discussing concerns regarding diplomatically inflammatory statements from Trump's appointed staff, these concerns are based heavily upon various key individuals who are highly invested in their areas of competence, and have equally high dedication to the truth. As we are grateful for the outcome of the election, and prefer a positive and proactive demeanor toward our future, we nonetheless are faced with candid realities regarding the limitations of Trump's capabilities and their relationship to a massive established complex that is tied to powerful and inevitable cyclic forces.
The unbiased benchmarks of SOCRATES, along with general historic understanding of human nature attend a sobering view of reality. A part of this concern is with the notion that Trump will, in natural terms, repeat prior patterns that must be integrated with the interaction between his learning capability and the learning capability of the complex that intends to defeat his conservative-centered philosophy. This must also be considered in the context of a nation whose mentality is almost evenly and irrevocably bifurcated, obviating the development of a coherent national-cultural identity that will soon have to face powerful global opposition and shift in cyclic economic center.
The sheer momentum of financial reality, coupled with the macroeconomic counter-current priorities of a now desperate Old World syndication of power, supersedes the capabilities of any head of state. To this we add the particular attributes of Trump's evident hubris in foreign policy, confirmed to a significant degree by the statements of the likes of Gorka, Waltz and Kellogg, and we therefore see the possibility of a foreign policy catastrophe, interacting strongly with an accelerating consolidation of economic power against America.
Granted, we are immensely fortunate relative to an election outcome with Harris and the neocon complex formally mandated into our immediate trajectory, but the core of our current basis of benefit is that our philosophy, and those who champion it from the sidelines of politics, become active participants in policy. We seemed to have gained in such matters with RFK, but even so, any victories on the medical front will become paltry relative to poor outcomes in the major global conflicts now underway, as well as the powerful momentum of BRICS et al, particularly if they are fanned by strategic assertiveness which will be interpreted as indications of neuvo-imperialism on the part of the U.S.
Note, however, in particular that Armstrong includes RFK in his list of those who have not responded to him. As Armstrong is respected and consulted across the globe by high level individuals, and is personally acquainted with Trump, it is troubling to see the development of deaf ears in the the emerging Trump administration. My expressed concerns of recent are therefore, in this especially significant example, confirmed. My own assessments of the future, and how to respond with what is left to be only on a personal level, are seriously affected, and cannot exclude the possibility that global affairs will resolve into major war. To repeat the glaring impetus of Armstrong's suffix.........
"I cannot convince them about how to actually save the country. They are part of this crash and burn. My role is not to prevent it but to perhaps guide the recovery. But they will NEVER listen to me to prevent anything. They cannot see beyond the tip of their nose.
We are on our own –
DO NOT FORGET THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wish Trump all the best. But his staff have him in a bubble already.
Of course, one must consider that both cattle and grasshoppers convert cellulose to starch and protein. While there are reasonable arguments regarding improving efficiency of meat production, especially as it pertains to the destruction of the Amazon for additional cattle production, this agenda by Gates, et al is nonetheless all about converting human life, commerce and consumption into a synthetic, industrialised, controlled process, re: Hodges article, [1].
As I recall from the late nineteenth century in Minnesota, Andrew Myrick, a storekeeper who had a large inventory of food, turned the starving Santee Sioux away empty handed, adding the insult, "let them eat grass." Now, in this century, we have William Gates, pontificating specious environmentalism from the steps of his jet, saying to all of us, "let them eat grasshoppers."
Later, Myrick's mutilated body was found, with his mouth stuffed full of grass. I believe that it is possible to imagine an appropriate contemporary analogue to apply to the lot of these globalists, interrupting their veal platter at the airport Hilton with a shuttle trip to reality.